Saturday, May 28, 2011

It only comes twice a year...Do Not miss it...

Last time it was the Black Friday Mega Sale in November...

This time it's the Memorial Day Blowout. Over 1000 Digi's for only $30...
Everything I've got except the ones bought by High Hopes Stamps, (if it's not included chances are it's a High Hopes stamp) as well as the Month of May monthly art, and the 2 most recent sets "Read with Me" and "Pandamonium" Other than that it's all here separated into 10 downloads, because there's just sooooooo much in there.

Buy the set here:

*PLEASE READ BEFORE ordering....
Once you have ordered you will receive a zipped file with a text file ONLY no images...
go to
and enter the user ID and password included on the text file, from there you may download the files...all 10 of them. Told you there was a lot of digi's. ALSO note, just like last time some of my older stuff is only 150 dpi, but the majority is all 300...

These are the files that are included plus a few more...

After midnight memorial Day 2011 (that's Monday for all of you outside the US) the price will go up drastically. Don't wait til it's too late.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Freebie and 2 new sets with options...

I have 2 new sets, one I teased about the other day and one that just came to me last night.
 You can find it HERE in my store...
Read with me, 10 images of friends reading to each other. Someone mentioned the Panda would work for their VBS this year and so I had this pop into my head...
You can find it HERE in my store...
Both of these now come with options, there is a pull down menu to choose the normal download with both the BnW and Color, but now there is also a BnW version only option as well as a Color version only option. Some people wanted one and not the other and others wanted both to see the coloring when coloring the BnW versions.

Now for the reason most of you are here.
This weeks Freebie.
and Color...
to go along with these little guys I have also been experimenting with digital papers.
These are free this week and you can get them HERE is you'd like, They are 12 by 12 papers 300 DPI.

Also April membership will be added to the store for those wanting it later today and those that were April Members, I have zipped the whole month and added a link to it on the April Members Page..

Monday, May 23, 2011

Read Sneek Peeks...Dylan card update...

I had created this set for my kids school bookfair. It was buy one get one free, but we went with "Read with a Friend" instead and have these to show off...there about 7 more...This is just a teaser...

Dylan Card Update:
I have about 143 cards for Dylan and will be taking them to him next week sometime once I hear from his mom. Thank you all for your cards, I have sent everyone their Thank you set for the cards received so far, there are a few of you who keep getting kicked back. IF you did send a card and need the set, please let me know Also let me know what your card looked like so I can find it and double check to make sure it did get here.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pike's Playground Challenge Time - Shades of Green

Are you feeling green?  Are you wishing everything outside was turning green?  Are you green with envy?  Well this challenge might be just what you need.  This weeks challenge is to make something using one of my images and use mostly green.  Its a color theme and its just that simple!  All of these images are available in my store as a set or through membership.  Be sure and check them out!

Here is what my DoodleDragon Crew came up lets see what you can do.  See rules below.

Playground Rules:
  1. Choose a Doodle Dragon Studios image and create a card or project using mostly the color GREEN.
  2. Directly link the actual card/project using InLinkz (below).
  3. You may only submit one project per challenge.
  4. Must be registered at Doodle Dragon Studios to receive points (go HERE to register) and email me at to let me know you have entered using Linky and have registered with your registration name so you can get credit.  Use "Party in Color Challenge" in the subject line.
  5. Challenge open until May 29th winners will be announced by June 1st.
  6. Project should be created for this challenge and the challenge referenced on your blog or other sites that they are posted on.  Any reference to my blog or links to my blog at ANY time are much appreciated.
**Remember there is a link on the sidebar "Pike's Playground" for all current challenges and winners!

Fine Print along get 10 points, that's 50 cents just for playing along, win the random pick and get 20 points that's $1.00, and the Doodledragon Crew's "pike's pick" choice gets 30 points, thats $1.50.  Of course seeing as I am the boss around here, these rules are subject to change as I see fit, in order to make things run more smoothly.

Thank you for entering.

Be sure and email me at with your registration information so I can give you your Pike's Points for entering.

1. CraftyGirl  7. Grandma Bonnie  13. Spyder  
2. KristenW  8. Xochitl  14. Tip Top  
3. Pauline Lindley  9. Monica-LaPaperaGialla  15. Chris S  
4. kimberly  10. Marianne Mail  16. Rae Ann  
5. Maranda Mitchell  11. Skye Costi  
6. -Anne-  12. NanaConnie  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Challenge - Dudley and His Power Wheel WINNER

What fun we had looking at all the wonderful submissions this week.  Thank you all for joining in on the fun!!  I bet you all are racking up the Pike points just for entering the challenges.  Don't you love getting free images just for joining me at Pike's Playground?  Winners announced after this short intermission...

I just wanted to show you a card one of my DoodleDragon Crew did using one of the NEW May Membership images.  Be sure to get pay for your subscription to this months Membership for more of this summer fun!

...And now back to Pike's Playground winners.  Our Random winner this month is the very talented CraftyGirl with this card.  Be sure and check out the deets on her blog.

And by DoodleDragon Crew's choice....this is getting harder and harder as the entries are getting better and better......

We loved the way she took the card above and beyond the normal style.  The layout totally reads "boy card" and the coloring is great too.  

Be sure and contact me if you are a winner so I can credit your Pike's Points to your account!  Thank you all again for a fun week.  See you next Sunday for another fun challenge at the Playground.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Card Update...

These are the cards I have received so far.

Some of you have asked where to send the cards for Thomas and the address is here:

Thomas Archibald
6 Idlewell Blvd
Weymouth, MA 02188

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday evening update, this and that...

I was going to post this thursday or so but Blogger was read only for me these past couple of days. I have an update on the Dylan card drive, so far counting the cards from Ted's class I have 101 cards, I will post a photo tomorrow once I go to the PO box again. I am still accepting these til around the 31st of May to let everyone get their cards done and sent, then I will take them all over to his house at once so there's plenty of time to get one done....

In the meantime I have also loaded a set on my store that is a Dylan Dragon inspired set as well as a Race for the Cure set all in one with ALL sales from that set going directly to Dylan and his family..Dylan Dragon is Dexter and Dudley's little brother...

Thomas's card drive is still going underway I talked to his mom the other day and I will ask if cards have started showing up yet and report back once I find out.Link in case you missed it.

On my Etsy store I have posted some coloring sheets, 10 dino pages could be used for digi's as well I guess...

That's all for now. 2 more weeks of school and these seem to be the busiest...Not that summer break is that relaxing...

Freebie with a cause, Dylan Thank you set on it's way...

First I have received about 25 cards so far, haven't checked the P.O. box yet today and I am sending out the Thank you set to those I have received them from so far...Also received a set of cards from a certain 4th grade teacher/former DT member Ted. Thank you Ted your class is AWESOME...

Here is the set...Once again NOT for sale, have to earn this one by doing a good deed...
Here is the post if you missed it for some reason...

Now for today's freebie:
this one is specific to another boy...He's feeling down and could use a little pick me up...
His name is Thomas and here's a little something about him.

“Hello, my name is Sir Thomas Knight of the Shooting Star
I am 6 years old. I have NKH (non-ketonic hyperglycinemia) which is a rare uncurable
metabolic disease. I also have Primary immunodeficiency Which is a fancy way of saying I
have a poor functioning immune system. The treatment that I need to treat my PID I cant
have because of my NKH. I spend alot of time in and out of the hospital. My mission as a
knight of the Magical Moon has been to help raise money and find a cure for NKH. My
mom and I started the NKH Crusaders Foundation. I have met alot of amazing people and
I want to help other children who are fighting NKH.

Please take a minute to send him a card as well. this time send it to him, NOT ME...please...

Thomas Archibald
6 Idlewell Blvd
Weymouth, MA 02188

BnW Freebie


Sunday, May 08, 2011

Challenge - Dudley and His Power Wheels

This one is going to be fun, fun, fun!  All you need to do is create something using this free Dudley and his Power Wheel image.  You can get the image HERE.  Come play.  Be creative.  Go simple or go crazy!  Are YOU up to the challenge?  Rules below.

Here is inspiration from my Doodledragon Crew.

Playground Rules:
  1. Using Dudley and his power wheel image to create a card or project.
  2. Directly link the actual card/project using InLinkz (below).
  3. You may only submit one project per challenge.
  4. Must be registered at Doodle Dragon Studios to receive points (go HERE to register) and email me at to let me know you have entered using Linky and have registered with your registration name so you can get credit (Pike Points).  Use "Dudley Drives" in the subject line.
  5. Challenge open until May 15th and winners will be announced by May 18th.
  6. Project should be created for this challenge and the challenge referenced on your blog or other sites that they are posted on.  Any reference to my blog or links to my blog at ANY time are much appreciated.
**Remember there is a link on the sidebar "Pike's Playground" for all current challenges and winners!

Fine Print along get 10 points, that's 50 cents just for playing along, win the random pick and get 20 points that's $1.00, and the Doodledragon Crew's "pike's pick" choice gets 30 points, thats $1.50.  Of course seeing as I am the boss around here, these rules are subject to change as I see fit, in order to make things run more smoothly.

Be sure to register and email me your register information to obtain your Pike Points

1. Diane R  8. Dragonllew  15. Donna Walker  
2. Aga  9. -Anne-  16. Mary D  
3. Nerdette Stephanie  10. Tip Top  17. Brenda Haskin  
4. Margo Boruta  11. Angelica  18. NanaConnie  
5. Ardilla  12. *Tiggerchen*  19. Rae Ann  
6. CraftyGirl  13. Hazel Parr  20. Spyder  
7. Kim Goodman  14. Pauline Lindley  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Freebie and a Call for Cards...

Every once in a while I ask for something in return for all of the freebies I give away. That time has come again...This past Monday night at a local school they held an event called "Dancing for Dylan" The turnout was tremendous...He is a 9 yr old boy recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor (Diffused Pontine Glioma) His blog is here and you can read all about the things that this little boy and his family are going thru. In return for you taking an hour out of your day and a buck to mail the card  I have 6 images to give away to each person that sends a card to me that I can collect and take to his family. I would like to do this in about 2 weeks to give those overseas the time to get the cards here.  PLEASE feel free to make the card for Dylan, his family or both.  If you have wonderful words of encouragement you can add that to the card...or just a simple hello will work.

One of the images is this one...
This as well as the 5 others will not be for sale on my site (consider them Limited Editions). Only by making a card can you get this small set...I am not telling you that one of my images has to be used (though it would be nice) and seeings it's a boy this time around, I for some reason tend to have a lot of images geared towards boys...

Send the card to me:
Dustin Pike
P.O. Box 901
Roy, Utah 84067

PLEASE be sure to throw a note in there with your email address so I can send the set once your card is received. Though my kids think so I am not a mind reader...

Onto this weeks freebie...
and Color...