Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Take A Look-See....and Freebie

Here are a few pieces of inspiration using the April Members images.  These were created by my DoodleDragon Crew. You still have time to get in on the April membership and images are still in the process of being drawn and will be added to the April members page.  If you want to get in on these images too go HERE.  Remember by buying the April Membership you will get a handful of exclusive images that will not be released until later in the year.  Be sure and grab them while you can.   Shown by the DoodleCrew are just a few offered this month.

We have a current challenge going on too.  You win Pike points for product when you enter and win.  You can see the current challenge by clicking on The Playground link in the top left corner of my blog.  Come play with us!!

.....And now for that Freebie...

Looks like Dudley has outgrown his PowerWheels ride-on over the winter.

I also got side-tracked the other day wandering around Etsy and this little thing popped into my head.

Based off of matchbox shrines this is more of a mini shadow box...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

And the Blog-Iversary WINNERS Are....

Let me just say that the DoodleDragon Crew are extremely jealous of the winners, as many of them wanted these for themselves!  I hope you love them as much as they do!!

Thank you to all the blog hoppers for all your wonderful comments along the way.  And thank you for being my #1 fans!

The winners of the 5x7 hand drawn, colored and signed original piece of artwork are:

Dustin's Blog - Browntigger
Jane's Blog - Renae (Card Patch)
Ginny's Blog - Bethany W
Lelia's Blog - Rhonda Miller
Gramma's Blog - Vicki (Vmorris7 from Florida)
Charlotte's Blog - Lillian Child
Jennifer's Blog - Vickie (havinfuntrying)
Veronica's Blog - Aga (idocrafts.blogspot)
Rikki's Blog - luvmy2k9z
Kerri's Blog - Dania (stories in Pictures)

Just contact me at by Wednesday to claim your prize.  Email me your mailing address with the header "Blog Hop Winner" and I will get your artwork out to you.  I hope you had a wonderful Easter.

Challenge - Party in Colors

Its still a party around here being the Blog-iversary month.  I hope you were able to get the GREAT deal from yesterday, and if not, no worries because the images will be available soon as sets.  Be on the lookout!

So we are going to continue with the birthday theme here at Pike's Playground.  For this challenge you are to create something, whether it is a card a page or a craft project, using 2 of the colors in the header of my blog including the paint drips.  I am really trying to draw out my party as loooong as possible.  Please pass me another piece of cake.

My DoodleDragon crew has been working in overtime with all the fun new images that are available to you too.  Check out their creations for inspiration and then get to creating so you can get some Pike Points!

Playground rules below.

Playground Rules:
  1. Choose a Doodle Dragon Studios image and create a birthday theme card or project using 2 of the colors in the header of my blog, there are a lot to choose from (it can be the paint or the images).
  2. Directly link the actual card/project using InLinkz (below).
  3. You may only submit one project per challenge.
  4. Must be registered at Doodle Dragon Studios to receive points (go HERE to register) and email me at to let me know you have entered using Linky and have registered with your registration name so you can get credit.  Use "Party in Color Challenge" in the subject line.
  5. Challenge open until May 1st winners will be announced by May 3rd.
  6. Project should be created for this challenge and the challenge referenced on your blog or other sites that they are posted on.  Any reference to my blog or links to my blog at ANY time are much appreciated.
**Remember there is a link on the sidebar "Pike's Playground" for all current challenges and winners!

Fine Print along get 10 points, that's 50 cents just for playing along, win the random pick and get 20 points that's $1.00, and the Doodledragon Crew's "pike's pick" choice gets 30 points, thats $1.50.  Of course seeing as I am the boss around here, these rules are subject to change as I see fit, in order to make things run more smoothly.

Remember to register and email me with your registration name for pike points.  Thank you for playing.

1. Vickie  8. Margo Boruta  15. Grandma Bonnie  
2. Becky Thomas  9. Chris S  16. CraftyGirl  
3. Vivienne  10. -Anne-  17. Tip Top  
4. Georgia E.  11. Hazel P  18. Denni  
5. Nerdette Steph  12. Aga  19. Rae Ann  
6. Diane R  13. Allison G in TX  20. Renae  
7. Pauline Lindley  14. Mary D  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Dustin Is Out Chasing A Rabbit!!

Good Morning fans.  This is Jennifer Dove (Dustin's little naughty elf..shhhh, dont tell him I am running around causing havoc by sneaking onto his blog).  Well if you got in on the fabulous Blog-iversary deal, then you know you are already a winners right?  For those that didn't hear about it in time...guess what...Dustin is out chasing the Easter bunny right now as I am posting this, and forgot to close the sale you have a few hours more to shop...get hopping quick before he comes home and discovers his oops.    You can't beat 50% off the stuff in the store and $20.00 for 207 images. GO HERE to get your stuff.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy St. George's Day show and tell.

Well it's not mine to really show and tell, but a friend sent me a link to a really awesome card she had made and I asked if I could share it.

Here is the link to Claire's blog...

I have to admit being from the U.S. I had no idea what St. George's Day was and I am sure there are plenty of other holiday's celebrated by some of my follower's (makes me sound like a cult) around the globe. I thought boxing day in Canada was a sports day for actual boxing...Anyways her coloring style is so cool I thought I would share it with the world of DoodleDragon...She uses Promarkers to color, I love my Tombow's but might have to give these a try, I recently bought some copics and I will just say it was a waste of money...Sad I know...

Blog-Iversary is wrapping up. Only 16 hrs to get in on the deal and comment for a chance to win original art...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog Hop, Blog-Iversary and lots to read...

Welcome Dustin Pike fans to my second blog hop.  I am delighted to share with you some of the images I have drawn, Illustrator of all DoodleDragon Studios designs.  This day marks the anniversary of My 2 years on this blog and I want to show you some of the fabulous Blog-iversary images you can get for a fantastic price, offer is good for a limited time, so go look.  I think you will be thrilled with this great deal.  If you are new to digital images you will be happy to hear that they are easy to use, store and print out.  You can re-size them and then print on your favorite paper.  I not only give you Black and White images but sometimes even throws in the colored versions too. Not for the Blogiversary 2 set though as I was already drawing my pens dry. You can locate these images HERE, as well as many more.  As part of my Blog-Iversary almost all of my Digi sets are half off...See Blog Hop details below.

My 6 yr old wanted to help so here is his contribution to the Blog Hop...

My contribution in the works...

Almost finished, yes the second photo is a little fuzzy...

Blogiversary Set is located here:
and a sample of all 207 images included is located here:
If you need to order using Google Checkout OR you just can't order normally I have added the set here as well...

Hop Details:

Comment on EACH one of the stops along the way for 10 chances to win.   Each one of the Design Team will be drawing a name and announcing a winner from our commenters.  We will post the winners on Sunday April 24th and you will have till the following wednesday to email dustin with your name and shipping address for your prize delivery.

Every blog along the way has a special word.  Collect the words on each blog to make a sentence and then at the end of the Hop email the sentence to in order to be eligible for the prizes.  What is the prize you ask?   You will receive an original piece of artwork, hand drawn, colored and signed by Dustin Pike.  In all your excitement don't forget to pickup YOUR Blov-iversary images (all 207 of them) at  Blog Hop starts today and goes until midnight on Saturday, April 23rd.

Here is a sample of what you could win, just in case you forgot...

My special word is "I"

If you are just arriving from MY blog be sure and go back to the beginning so you don't miss anything.  Thanks for stopping by.  Now get Hoppin!

Jennifer Dove

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Freebie Wednesday, BlogHop and Blog-Iversary tomorrow...

I can't believe my little blog is going to be 2 tomorrow, they grow up so fast...I will be celebrating with a Blog Hop as well as a Blog-Iversary deal...make that deals...I have shown some of the Blog Candy that can be won by hopping and commenting on my DT's blogs. I have 10 in all...10 random winners will receive one of the 10 Original hand drawn and hand colored 5 by 7 works of art I have been sneek peeking in the last week or so...

To have a chance to win one of these goodies comment on EACH one of the stops along the way for 10 chances to win. Every blog along the way has a special word.  Collect the words on each blog to make a sentence and then at the end of the Hop email the sentence to me in order to be eligible for the prizes. In all your excitement don't forget to pickup YOUR Blov-iversary images at  Blog Hop starts tomorrow 6 A.M. Mtn time and goes until midnight on Saturday, April 23rd. After that the sets are regular priced and will be split up. Each one of my Design Team will be drawing a name and announcing a winner from the commenters. I will post the winners on Sunday April 24th and you will have till the following Wednesday to email me with your name and shipping address for your prize delivery. I have placed the 10 images in their own mailing envelope, I do not know which is which, I will send them out that way and you get what you get and don't throw a fit. This will hopefully stop hurt feelings when more than one person wants the same image.

For those having ordering issues on my new site I have set up a page just for you...This also allows those needing Google checkout to play along and not miss out on the deal of the year...

I have over 200 Digi's in this deal, all black n white, it took me long enough to draw them all and it'd take me another month just to color them all...$20 bucks is all for over 200 digi's. BUT if you were one of the lucky ones who bought my April 7th release you received a code...this code will work ONLY on the Blogiversary deal and take 50% off...making it $10 bucks for over 200 digi's. That's 20 images for a dollar, Dollar store can't even compete with that one...

Now for today's freebie....
Be sure to stop by tomorrow and grab your blogiversary deal...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Challenge - It's A Party Winners

Wow!  And Wow again!!  What a bunch of fantastic entries here at Pike's Playground this week.  You all make it so hard to choose.  I think I lost a few winks of sleep trying to decide.  Thank you all for participating.  I hope you enjoy getting your Pikes Points just for entering.  Be sure and keep your eye out next week for another F-U-N challenge. Also, April 20th we have a blog hop with yummy prizes as well as the big reveal for the blogaversary images.  Be sure and check back so you don't miss out!  And now.....

The Random winner is....drum roll please........

Mini    with her cute Dudley birthday card.
And after much contemplation the Pikes Pick Winner is.....

And I would also like to give recognition to two more talented ladies as they always have amazing work and these are special "show off" cards

Be sure and click on the links to their blogs for more information on their fantastic creations.   Again, thank you all for joining the challenges at The Playground.  I enjoy looking at all your amazing work.

See you next week!

Another Blogiversary Peek...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Server Move complete....

Took a little longer than I was told but the server move is done and looking good...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Please Stand By...

My site is moving Servers, something I was told should be a quick move but it's been pretty much an all day thing. I cannot log in to reset links, access to the members area is on hold as well, as soon as I hear it's all moved I will let everyone know. The new server is bigger, faster and shinier OK, I made up the shiny part. But it's supposed to be better in the long run...

More Blogiversary Candy Peeks...

OK, 5 more then that's it, the last one is a secret...

Once again all 5x7 hand drawn and hand Signed, Original Small Works Of Art...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Freebie Wednesday...Blog-Iversary Blog Candy...Peek's

So what is a Blog-Iversary without some Blog Candy. I don't have boxes of ribbons and buttons or spare paper to throw into a baggie and give away as a prize. But I do have these...

5 by 7 Illustration boards with a hand drawn, hand colored image. These are just 2 of the 8 I will have as prizes for random comments on my blog as well as my DT's blogs on my Blogiversary April 22nd. More peeks tomorrow...

This week's freebie is here...BnW
 and Color
Eat all you want it's zero calorie cake...