Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Freebie and a Request...Please UPDATED again

 First of all the freebie...It's from an illustration I did a while back and lots of people asked for it as a stamp...
Secondly there is a young lady in my daughter's dance studio 18 yrs old, Just a few months ago she was diagnosed with MS(multiple sclerosis) 
She had lost her eyesight in one eye temporarily but it has since returned. Her family is awesome, her younger sister is my youngest's best friend at dance. On June 21st we have a swim party for the dance studio at a local pool, I would like to give her a box full of cards from all over the world that night. It's almost a month away and right now I can't give you all a set or a few digi's for doing it til I get these 3 books finished. but later I could. I know it's a lot to ask for some and others not so much. Her name is McKenzie, now I know my stamps aren't mostly for 18 yr old girls, so any card, any stamp will do, one card from everyone who could do it might just make her day, she's been struggling since dance is everything to her. If you'd like you can send them to me, email me and I will send you my address, if you'd like to wait I will see if they can't be sent to the studio, but we are one a 3 week dance break (well deserved I might add) and so I don't know if they'd just sit there, so if you'd like send them to me and I will collect them all then find a neat way to give them to her at he party...There was a dance she was in as well as most of the studio titled "Stand By Me" and they dedicated the dance to her at every competition we did since learning what she had, I don't know if that will inspire anyone in the card making process, but if you could do this I would be really grateful.

I only put that she was close to 18 or there abouts so you all knew what kind of card to make, these are cards of encouragement not birthday cards... :)

My new address is

Dustin Pike

P.O. Box 901
Roy Utah, 84067



Gale said...

Great idea. Mine will be on the way.

Chipchick said...

Dustin, thanks for the freebie...I love it! My monster under the bed was snakes. I like yours better!

I would love to send a card to McKenzie, so please send me your address.


Country Mouse said...

You are so sweet for doing this for McKenzie!! I am honored to be a part of this surprise!!!
I would do this for NO freebies...but thank you for the ScardyCat one!!
I emailed you.

Courtney said...

Thanks for the freebie Dustin. I will be emailing you for an address soon.


Unknown said...

I would LOVE to send her a card as I myself have MS so I can relate to what this young lady is going through!! Thank you for the freebie!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the monster under the bed! :D He's super cute!!

And I too will email you for your address! I will work on a card for Miss McKenzie! :D Yes, this is VERY thoughtful of you! I would also do this for no freebies! :D That's why I make cards! To make someone's day!!! :D HUGS from Amanda in Ontario

Love crafts forever said...

Hi Dustin. I love your freebies, thank you for them.

I would like to send card to McKenzie. I was a profecionale dancer for 10 years, love to dance. Please send me address.

I will make a post on my blog about McKenzie. Nataliya.

Jennifer Dove said...

You know I am ALLLL over this one!!!! Bless her heart!

Jenn Dove

Rhonda Miller said...

I'm on it.

Thank you so much for the freebie.

daisy said...

way dustin that is a tragic story sinds dancing will only get harder for here, i'll put on my thinking cap, and see what i can whipp up from the netherlands


Gloria Westerman said...

Thank you for the freebie...I love this.....and I would be honor to send McKenzie a card....will email now...

Shelley said...

I always make more cards than I have friends to give them to so I will gladly make a card for this young woman. I'll get started right away.

And thanks for the monster under the bed freebie! Too cute!

Marlene said...

I'd like to participate, too. No need for any further freebies. You're very generous with yours as it is.

Trimgym said...

I will see what I can do, great idea Dustin.


Irena said...

Thank you for the freebie!

Marlene Diefendorf said...

I'd be happy to send this young lady a card. I'll email you for your addy. Thanks also for the monster under the bed freebie. You're very generous.

Michelle said...

Thank you for the freebie. And if I can I will make a card and ask for the adress (time is al little bit short have so much to do)
Greetings Michelle

sammi said...

What an awesome gesture, Dustin! She's going to love all the cards! I will be sending you and email to get a mailing address!

Unknown said...

Love the freebie...made me giggle. Will be glad to send a card. Emailing for the addy.

vicmbee said...

Thanks for the freebie would love to send a card too.. will email you for an address.

Jackie Randolph said...

Thanks for the freebie, I would love to be part of your surprise emailing you for addy.

Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

I would love to try to get one out to you..emailed for addy

Seongsook Duncan said...

I will send you a card for her. Thanks for the freebie.

ribenaruby said...

It would be a pleasure to send a to email you and I think it's amazing what you're doing!

Wanda said...

I'm in. You are amazing Dustin Thank you for loving others. It makes the world a whole lot better with people like you! HUGS

Michelle Quinno said...

First off, thank you for the fun freebie!

Second, I will try to get a card made and mailed out to you this weekend and I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers! (no freebies necessary) I hope you get a giant box full of cards for her!

Helen Dooley said...

I too used to dance. I taught. I now cannot because of health too. Im sending it out today. I hope it lifts her spirit.

daisydilly (vicki) said...

thanks so very much for this cute freebie. Will keep your daughters friend in prayer

Gramma said...

What a great guy and teriffic father you are.... a card should be arriving within the next week. Thank you so much for your compassion and support!

Jennie said...

Superb, how lovely are you!!!
Card shall be made and sent post haste :D


daisy said...

hihi dustin

you sould know the card makes are enthousiastic about these sorts of things, so therefore the overflood of emails. hope you coul'd give us an update after the 3 week well urned vacations for the girls.

Jessica said...

Thanks Dustin, I love the monster under the bed! I will send McKenzie a card. And as before, would you like me to request a card from my group, (Cricut Card Fairy Army) I can send the info on McKenzie, and your address to our 'commandar' and she can email the group. You'd have a HUGE bunch of cards. Please just let me know. Thanks,

Kate said...

I've made a card and will post it this evening. This one will be coming from Canada!

Anonymous said...

I will send one out tomorrow --- Thanks Dustin!


Carol Dee said...

You are so sweet. Of course I will get a card made ASAP and on to you to present to her. I do not need a freebie to do this, I just want try and help encourage her. Hugs...

Cindy N. said...

Thank you Dustin for the lovely freebie. I will try to have a card received by you in time for the party.

Rachelsmum said...

Only too happy to make one too, that'll be one from the UK!
Thanks for the great freebie as well, love the little bear's face!! xxsue

Jenn Borjeson said...

Oops you can ignore my e-mail, didn't scroll all the way down before I sent it (so I didn't see you had posted your address to send the cards to). Thank you!

Crafty gal said...

`it will a great pleasure to make and send you a card to pass on
many best wishes
Judith UK

Shirley said...

Great idea, and I'm sure I can get a card to you in the next few days. Thanks for this precious freebie. It reminded me of a novel that I once read about a children's book writer that wrote about monsters that were scared of everything.

Gina said...

Hi Dustin, Ive posted the card I made to send to you on my blog and linked back to your blog, so as to highlight your request. Hope This is ok.
Love as always Gina x x x

sassyb07 said...

thanks for the opportunity to be able to send a card to McKenzie!
mine was mailed this morning, here's a link:
hugs, Valerie

Shelley said...

You are always thinking of others so it is a pleasure to make a card for your daughter's friend. I've put the card & request on my blog - - and the card itself will be in the mail tomorrow.

Sharon Noble said...

A card will be winging it's way from Scotland to you very soon.
great idea and i hope she loves the surprise
hugs Sharon

Susan said...

My Neice was DXed with MS about 5 years ago, she was 29 at the time, and has had issues on and off with her one lower leg, her hand and foot drop...I do not think she has had the eye effect yet, but you never know what part is going to act up or when. I'll try to get a card done...we all have our crosses to bear, but at 18, she is young, and needs to know there is still a lifetime ahead of her!

Helen said...

I love sending cards for these types of card drives! I have the perfect stamp I'm going to use! Thank you for asking us to do this for McKenzie! She will love it!

Fae said...

hi Dustin
I think a card for this young lady, McKenzie, is the least we can do as a thanks for all the lovely freebies you give us. My mother has MS and therefore this is something that is also close to my heart as she is currently having bad days and worse days. I will be sending you my card from England but we have a bank Holiday here this week and therefore, as our postal service is so rubbish, I am hoping that it will still get to you on time.
Love and Hugs, Fae xxx

Fae said...

P.S. I have also put your message on my blog. Fingers crossed xxx

Dwita said...

Dustin, thanks for the freebie... I am sending the card tomorrow.

Erika said...

What a great idea! And I didn't know you were from Utah - I'm in Clinton too! How exciting! You are so very talented, and so generous to share your talent as well!

Madison said...

This is a great idea for McKenzie! I would be honored to help for nothing in return.

Debi Rice, otherwise known as Sparky, Butterfly said...

Love to send a card for McKenzie!
Debi Rice...
(What a nice thing to do, and thanks for letting us be a part of the giving!)

terrie said...

I mailed you my card for mcKenzie on Friday...

Lauretta See said...

Hi Dustin, i just notice here ... the new addy.. i sent it to the addy you had sent to me by email... hope it is ok.. it is gone since this AM.

I have linked up my card ( that i sent to you on my blog.. linking back here.. it is the little gnome.. Hope it is OK" and that she will like it. Hugs x and thank you for doing this! you are awesome. If you would like to see the card.. you need to go here ( see the card at the end of the post)

Peggysue said...

I just got my card in the mail. I sure hope it is encouraging to Mckensie--I'm not good with words!
Its a great thing you are doing.

Rhonda Miller said...

I just finished mine. It will be in the mail tomorrow.

Olive said...

Hello Dustin. I want to thank you for your lovely digies! I like them very much. I'm from Ukraine. I have to confess that I used one of your digies for creation of free blackwork embroidery chart. You can see what it is here

- - Sheryl - - said...

Hi Dustin - I mailed you a card for McKenzie today

Sheryl (Greene)

Nancy Keller said...

Dustin you can count on me for a card - I will send it this week. You are awesome. I have liked to you from my blog again this week. :) said...

I will start making mine!!!!!

jen said...

what a great idea, i will get one out today

Min said...

Mine went postal today - you can find it here on my blog:

Unknown said...

Dustin, my card for McKenzie is finally going out in tomorrows mail! Sorry it's taken me so long but I've had problems with my MS!

Anonymous said...

hi dustin
what a beautiful idea. I just found your website so my card would arrive to late but you can let McKenzie know there are people from all over the world thinking of her. i am attaching my card just in case you are able to show her! big hugs to her!

Lauretta See said...

Hi Dustin ;)))

How was the party?? did she get alot of cards?? was she suprised and happy? :)))

Suvenkorento said...

Thanks for the cute freebie! I hope she was cheered up by all the cards :)