Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Stamps in Rubber...

I have spent the last weekend talking with someone about stamps in rubber. Can't tell you who they are...Or when this will happen...BUT I will be designing a line, maybe even becoming their "Special" artist with a re-occurring line... Sometime in the near future. AND they will be available at stores near a lot of you. Some of my Digi's will be retiring, actually most likely the first 4 or 5 pages of my site...Some will be re-worked to be made into rubber stamps as well this way they aren't selling at the same time. I could bring them back at the first of the year for another Mega-Sale... but that might be too long for some of you to wait. Rather than redoing the Mega-Sale so soon, I ws thinking more along the lines of a buy one get one free sale or something else, working out the details... stay tooned...



This N That said...

Wow! How amazing! Congrats! Will be "tooned!"

Sheri Gilson said...

Congrats Dustin!! Can't wait!!

susan said...

How WONDERFUL for you! Congraulations! You will be making a lasting "impression" in rubber! LOL! I hope it all works out well for you and that it works out quickly and smoothly.
In the meantime, I am checking my list to see which digis I still need to get! LOL!

Just Me said...

How exciting Dustin!! CONGRATS!!!

Art By Lakisha said...

Congrats on the new deal.

Tammy said...

Woo Hoo how exciting Dustin! Congrats on the wonderful news.

Unknown said...

What great news! I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open for these!

Cheryl First said...

How about instead of another Mega-Sale, maybe a retiring bundle sale?? :) Puh-leeeze!!

Carrie said...

Can't wait to hear Dustin!!

shell said...

Congratulations!!! This is awesome news!! Will the rubber stamps be available in Austraia?? Looking forward to your sale!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's exciting - but I'm definitely staying "tooned" to see what you will do for a sale on the digi's. I'm checking the site and making my list already.

Leslie said...

I was really hoping for another mega sale - I blew it by not getting my order in on time... Please do it again before everything's not available - please????

lvixen said...

That's awesome! Congrats!!

Looking forward to a great deal...c'mon..c'mon goooood deal!!

JanieB said...

Wow, that is so exciting for you, you must be on top of the world. Well done, glad your artwork is being recognised in this way.

Look forward to seeing the stamps.

Maxi said...

Congrats!! I hope they will be available in the UK too!! :)

jan farnworth said...

i was excited to get the dinos in rubber that you released with paper make up. I would love to have some more of your images in rubber.

Jaspere said...

Congrats! I sure hope you keep on making digi's though. Love them.

Shannon said...

Congratulations! What a fabulous opportunity!

QweenDavia said...

man you are just to cool! I love that you do the freebies it make so want to buy more from you I do not know if that makes sense but it does to me ;) I love that you are doing the walls of your Nephews room how cool is that!
thanks again for the great stuff!

ninamerle said...

Oh yes Please take down the pages from the mega sale. I thought I was buying the new set and just wasted 10 on the same stamps that were in the mega sale! I am hooked on digital stamps now.. So great for me to be able to print them out and take with me to color.

The Petrina Blogger said...

Hi!! I love your work! I have some of your stamps from the store. I am posting a link to your site tonight via my blog. I painted the dino on my sons wall. While I do murals and paintings, I do not make any profit. My son just loves your stamps! Hoping when my friends see your beautiful work they will buy them!