Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Today's freebie is a mystery...

It's a secret mystery... No one knows what it is even my design team...

Find out what it is by clicking here

You just might be in for a surprise today.....



Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

What a fun surprise! Way cute!

mudmaven said...

Too cool - or should I say cold! Great for a 90+ day for sure. Thanks! ~chris

CrazyCuteCards said...

This is great. Thanks for sharing!!

PinksyDoodles said...

That was a surprise! Just what we need in this hot weather and oh so cute. Thank you.

Barb said...

How cute is he!! What a geat one to get today when it is soo stinking hot!!

Rene S said...

Great image--love surprises!

Mary C said...

This was a wonderful surprise! It is cold and still raining here, just about the whole month of June and now into July. Your image has brightened my day, thank you so much!

Lilacanglia said...

Thank you,
I expected a question mark, as a joke,
But laughed when I saw it,
Its great,

Rikki Holley said...

Hey , that was great I love the surprise thing today...and the image is awesome as always :0)

Sheri Gilson said...

What a fun surprise Dustin!!! Thank you so much! :D

Jenny said...

This is just too cute!! I love it!!

KanataNewf said...


susan said...

Wonderful! Just what I need right now. Great surprise on this hot, humid, NJ summer day!

Lora said...

Thia is so cute.will defo use thsi one a lot for sure.
Thanks Dustin
Hugs Lora

Carol said...

A perfect image for me today!! we are having a heatwave here in the u.k..... 88c tomorrow they are predicting....we are so not used to these kinds of temperatures!!!
Thanks so much for all these freebies, i adore them :)

Carol x

Jaspere said...

Isn't it great knowing that even when we don't know what we are downloading we know we'll love it and will do it anyway? Thanks again for a great image.

Maria Matter said...

what fun!
That surely hit the spot!
Thank you!

Blessings, Maria

Dazie said...

OooOoo I like this!!! Thank you!

Nora said...

What a treat! Thank you, Dustin. I'm just South of you & it's definitely too hot here for this little guy! *LOL*

designsfromwithinbycharlotte said...

Dustin, You are too cute, even giving the Design Team a little mystery surprise!!! Adorable image...and yes we could sure use one of these in Sunny Florida!!!
Thanks so much, I so look forward to making something special with this one!!

Eni said...

so funny - thanks for sharing.

jandokan said...

Super cute... and super funny :P

Love him :) thanks for sharing!

hugs Anja
Be smart, make art.

Tink said...

Love it!! Thank you!

Spyder said...

Sooooooooooo cute!

Tammy said...

Hi Dustin!
I LOVE IT!! What a fantastic surprise!!
Thanks for the fre digi!!
You rock.

Dawn♥ said...

Fun and fabulous surprise! Great to see something COLD for such a HOT day! Thanks!

Julies Crafty Creations said...

How cute is he!! What a geat surprise to get today when it is so hot!! Hugs Julie

Nancy said...

OH MY he is gorgeous:O) Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Nancy.

Alexandra Lundgren said...

What a WONDERFUL surprise! Thank you so much!

Ginny said...

hey it's winter here and bl**dy's a cutie, no snow here but wish there was with guys like this :0)

Linda said...

Very cute little guy.....thank you!!

~*Joni said...

You are hilarious!! Xmas in it. ;)My all time faves to collect as a seasonal dork.

Melanie said...

Too cute Dustin, thanks for the "cool" surprise.

Kwilt said...

I luv it Dustin!!! It made me smile...It is something we see most of the year here in Wisconsin!!!

Inking A Colorful Journey said...

Thanks for the fun surprise boss! Great image as usual!

Unknown said...

teehee Christmas in July, eh??? what a cutie -- thanks Dustin!

Just Me said...

omg omg I LOVE IT!! Snowmen are my absolute favorite!!!
Thanks so much!!

Lisa Lara said...

I just love it. Thank you. What a treat!!!!!!!!!!

Ruth (ooffee) said...

Hahaha! Love it! Thank you!

BlueRose said...

It is perfect for Christmas in July going to have to get going on Christmas now......I love snowmen lovely surprise.

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

he is great thanks for sharing...

hugs shell xx

Tanja said...

Soooo cute! Thanks for sharing!

Pattycakes said...

Thank you!! :)

Stephanie aka Nerdette said...

He is so cute Dustin. Thanks so much, what a COOl surprise.

Mel said...

hum... not looking forward to that time of year :p Tkx! Mel

Celine said...

Love it :)

Becca said...

So perfect for a hot July day! Thanks for the fun.

Valerie said...

great surprise...I needed it with this HOT weather! Maybe I can jump in the snowman and get cooled off haha!

Regina said...

I like that you left it a surprise! Well worth it! thanks!

Nikki said...

Surprises gotta love em
thank you :)

Jane said...

Lovely image, thank you for sharing it

Karen said...

Glad he was a nice surprise!
Thank you :)

Joanna Lamprou said...

It is so very kind of you to offer this stamp.It's lovely.Thank you