Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pirate Dragon Freebie

I can't get my winzip to play nice today, so my freebies are here, click on each image to download the larger version. Are these something you all can use? the sets I mean....

Pirate Dragon Background

Pirate Dragon






Tink said...

Thank you! These are GREAT!!!

Jennifer Dove said...

Ha... now were getting into paper-piecing....i think i love

these are great....I could put anyone on the barrel...and the canonballs can be snow balls.....and the sign is very cool....oh, if only i had more time in the day.

Okay....request.....barn animals...chicken, cow, pig ect....and how 'bout a moose and penguin....pretty

jojo723 said...

Thank you so much! These are awesome! You are amazingly talented!

Unknown said...

Wow! THanks dustin! How generous! I love this! Yes the sets are definately something that I could use! I love these!

Froggy said...

OMG these rock!!! I ADORE BACKGROUNDS!! I would love to see more and buy them!!!


deifen said...

These are fantastic Dustin -thanks ever so much for your generosity-will rustle up a card and put it on my blog!

Lisa M. (aka. Lisa @ Farm Fresh) said...

oh my goodness! Thank you so much! I will try to make my first "scene" with these! You rock!

Lisa Lara said...

Wow Dustin these look like fun to play with. I understand that I will be paper piecing? You don't know of anyway in photoshop I can put them on the background do you? I am a photoshop newbie. The pirate dragon is adorable.

Sheri Gilson said...

These are all GREAT! Thank you so much!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Yes...definitely. Love them!

redsmomma said...

wow dustin! thank you so much! I LOVE backgrounds and try to incorporate my own on most of my cards. You definately inspire me! Thank you for all your wonderful freebies!

Just Me said...

Oh sooooo fabulous!! Thanks so much!!

coldwaters2 said...

Thank you so much Dustin you are more than generous with these great pics.

Lorraine x

laos348 said...

These are wonderful - thanks so much!

PBrown9624 said...

Yes, backgrounds are wonderful! Thank you sooo much. Can't wait to create!

Jenn said...

So stinking cute! thank you

Unknown said...

Wow Dustin, fantastic freebies, to have a whole set like that is really generous, thanks so much

Jan xx

Javablustamper said...

WOW!! Thank you SO much!! I can't wait to play with these!! This is SO generous of you!! I LOVE them all!! Thank you for sharing your talent!

Take care,

This N That said...

I say, YES! I am invisioning all KINDS of NEAT cards and scrap pages with sets like this! Thanks!

Becca said...

What a fun bunch of images. I need more coloring tools. Thanks for sharing these with us.

~*Joni said...

Okay Dustin, you could have put these in your store and I still would have paid $2 for the cannonballs. :D These are so great, and yes, they work well with all of your other images too! You are tooooo generous. Can't wait to see if you ever make any Power Ranger inspired heroes (hint hint). :D

Sam said...

These are brill me hearty. I love the dragon - perfect for boys. Cheers Dustin you're a star.
Sam x

Anna Banana said...

Dustin! Thanks so much for the set of freebies today!! It's really cool to be able to go and create a picture from all of these elements! Much appreciated and I'm going to see what I can do with these!!
Anna Banana

Jodie said...

thankyou so generous of you. i cant wait to use them

Jaspere said...

Yes. Definitely. Love these. Thanks!!

LovelyMissKait said...

Thank you! Love them.
I can use them to make a page for my son's pirate birthday party.

Anne said...

fabby work. thanks

PinksyDoodles said...

These are wonderful Dustin - they are so versatile. Thank you.

jan farnworth said...

love it how cute and the background for the images is just to awesome. thanks so much for your genoristy.

Sharon Caudle said...

LOVE these!!! I'm a scenic card type of gal, so these totally ROCK! You are amazingly generaous, Dustin! thank you a million times over!

Diana Mancuso said...

Thanks for the freebies, Dustin! They're great!

Lilacanglia said...

so great especially for my sons,
I have put a piccy link of the dragons holding your name on my side bar for you as well.

Cheri said...

Cute graphic for your signature, Dustin!

Crys said...

These are soooooooooo great. I am in love with the backgrounds. No more looking for the perfect background paper or have my image just floating out in space.

Michelle Quinno said...

Thanks a bunch!@!! You Rock!

Unknown said...

these are all great, thanks for sharing with us ;)

bubbles32 said...

These are so cute. Thank you! Are you ever going to do any mice?


Unknown said...

WOW!! Thanks SO much for all these freebies today!! I am a fanatic about your dragons!!!!

Anita said...

Wow! What a fantastic idea to have a set of fun images! Thanks!

Julies Crafty Creations said...

These are fantastic Dustin -thanks ever so much for your generosity

jo said...

hi dustin,
wow what great freebies, i love the dragon, cant wait to prit him off, thank sooo much jo

Jean Peters said...

thank you so much - what a lot of freebies this week. Brilliant thanks

Spyder said...

These are fantastic Dustin, thank you for sharing.
I still can't see your blog Award from me waaaaay back in May...If you type Dustin into the blog search in the top left hand corner and scroll down to (sorry there's loads of your stuff here) Holiday Weekend Blog Award, you'll find it.


Starla said...

Thud.....A whole set?!! OH~~ how much fun is this going to be?!!

Maylee said...

Wow! so generous of you. Thank you, these just in time for my nephew's birthday this weekend.

jen said...

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS we can use these! You are insanely awesome, and we LOVE ya!

ackmom said...

WOW you are so generous and love all parts of the set. Sets are a cool way to go as far as I am concerned!
Thank you Thank you! You are the best!

Lynda Nielsen said...

Oh wow, these are absolutely amazing Dustin! I love each and every one of them, I can't wait to start to play with them.
Thanks so much! =)

Chris (catt871) said...

You are a STAR!!! These are soooo awesome!!!!!! I love the background and the accessories are perfect!!! You are the best! THANK you for continually supplying us all with FABULOUS images!!!!! THANKS for all the freebies too!!!!

Mary C said...

Thank you, Thank you , Thank you!!!
These are so wonderful. I can't wait to see everyone comes up with using these fantastic images!

Jodie said...

Awesome. you betcha we can use this...thanks so much what fun to create soemthing new every week.

crafty amy said...

Thank you so much I can't believe you are giving all this away for free. I can't wait to get a chance to play with them.

X Amy X

Annie said...

Wow so generous these are fabulous.
Ann xxx

Jodi said...

Dustin you are so generous giving away images every week, but this is absolutely incredible ~ an entire "build a scene" set. Thank you so much ~ this will be a lot of fun to work with and I can't wait to see what else you come up with. Perhaps a countryside setting, a city scape, a jungle setting, a beach setting....I'm excited just thinking of the possibilities. Thanks again Dustin :)

Georgia Ehrmann said...

Thank you Dustin. These are super! I can't wait to make up a whole scene! I will post on my blog when I get it together!

Lora said...

Wow Dustin! These are great. I can't wait to play with these. Thanks so much!
Lora xx

Lauren Colless said...

I love love LOVE your designs, and this set is DIVINE!!! How PERFECT for my little boy's birthday invitations! Thank you!!!!

DeeDee said...

Eeeek! Dustin, you are just way too good to us! A whole set! Dude, you're the BEST! I love them all! It's been Dustin Fest over at my blog lately and I'm having so much FUN! HUGS!

Christine said...

I love the sets!!! Now I can build a little scene.


Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Wow these are great thank you so much

hugs shell x

jo said...

hi dustin, there is award on my blog for you :) jo

Anonymous said...

Oh yes these are fabulous! I know exactly what I'll be doing with them today! Helen x

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! My girls LOVE to color your digis. My oldest is 4 and even uses them like me making cards for her friends. Thanks a ton!!!

Anonymous said...

love love loving these! I've made something already!! here

Need some more!!!

Helen x

Karen said...

These are wonderful! You are very talented and very generous: Big thanks!

Having just read some of the other comments, and if you want requests: I would love barnyard animals too.

Regina said...

those are great! thank you! what a generous freebie!

stampingtink said...

How generous of you! Thanks so much! Can't wait to play and have some great fun!

Jacilynn said...

You amaze me with your generosity. You are a good man, and yes I can use these!
Thanks a bunch

Catrick said...

Again, you are the background.


Unknown said...

Fabulous set of images... I know exactly what I'm going to do with soon as I find time LOL Thanks Dustin!

Aunty Sue said...

Thanks they will be treasured nephews all mad on priates. Sue xx

Unknown said...

Here's the card I made with this set of images...I can't wait to try it again and tweek it! Thanks so much for a fab set of images.

BettyBee said...

Thanks so very much!! I love these designs. You are an amazing artist, and so generous. Thanks for sharing! This will be perfect for my grandson's pirate birthday card!

Blessings to you!

Princess said...

Just found your site from someone else I'm following and I must say...this is AMAZING! I am really impressed with your stuff. I just bought some Copic markers so am anxious to try them out on some fun images. And your stuff is definitely fun!

I have added your blog to my google reader. I can't wait to see all the fun stuff you come up with in the future. And I'm looking forward to spending hours looking at what you've already done!


Angie said...

Oh yea, I can use these! I have a plan, I just hope my printer cooperates!!!

KanataNewf said...

Wow. These are such wonderful images that I had to do a blog post to promote them to my friends who have kids that love pirates. You are a gifted artist! I am looking forward myself to making cards for all the little matey's I know who love pirates AND dinosaurs!

Crazy For Scrapping said...

thank you these are soooooo cute, really love them

Shannon said...

These are fabulous Dustin!

Joanna Lamprou said...

These are awesome.Thank you.

Ramona said...

Okay now...I always said I was not interested in digi stamping...but now I am...for the first time...interested. I have seen too many people use these cute doggone digi stamps to make cards and I am gonna give it a go. Thank you for the treat!

Sonia said...

When i see these digit stamps i remember that i visited your blog long tiem ago but i lsot the link and i cann't return.
Thanks that i foun dyou again in antoerh site!!
I feel happy because I lost these freebies but now i found again ;-)


Tonje said...

Hi. Thanks for the freebies. I used your background for a pirate card I made the other day. Have a looksie here

Foxycrafts said...

These are great!!! I can think of lots of ways to use them right away. TFS.

Love Joan xx