Thursday, June 30, 2011

Challenge - Red, White and Blue - WINNERS

You all had such creative entries for the last challenge!  Are you all ready for a fun filled weekend eating hotdogs and watermelon and watching a few fireworks?

Remember if you entered this challenge and are one of the winners Dustin is "Out of the Office" for a little while so your Pike Points might not go into your account for a few.  Just email him with "winner of Red white and blue"in the header and he will get them on his return.  Thank you ALL for playing with us at the Playground once again.  See you soon for the next FUN FUN FUN challenge.

Winner Pikes Pick is........Sarah

Random Pick Winner is....Rae Ann

I would also like to feature these delightful cards as they were so fun and looks like many hours went into them.  Have a great fun filled 4th of July, and remember Don't swallow the watermelon might grow a watermelon plant in your stomach.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Book Illustration...

Last week I got a new children's book to Illustrate, can't talk too much about the story, But I can show a rough I have been working on...

Also adding More to June Members today after I get roughs sent to the publisher, Only 3 more days to get in on the half year deal...I can't believe July is almost here.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Free Cupcakes...

Year Members (no longer offered sorry) AND Half a year monthly members are receiving Cupcakes for free.
6 Fat free, no guilt, Gluten Free Cupcakes fresh from the um...printer...
Click HERE  to get your free download. (IF you are a Year member only) Not a yearly member? but would like to be a member for the second half of the year...? Order today and you will receive the cupcakes for free too.

 Click HERE  for Half year membership info...

Year members received the year for $75.00 that's $6.25 a month. Half a year membership will run July thru November 2011. 5 months at $6.25 is an amazingly low $31.25. This offer is only good from now til the 30th of June 2011, then like the snow on top of our's gone.

PLEASE Read...If you are an existing Year member, do nothing except click the link above to get the goodies, if you are one of the people ordering every month, stop your Paypal subscription and order the rest of the year, send me an email with your existing info and I will set you up for the rest of the year AND you won't have to send me email reminders...In that email I will send you your free cupcake set.

Here is a few samples for August...

Since the current month is art for 2 months later, August month will be October themed art.

Year and Half Year members will have access to all the next 5 months as art is added to those pages. I will have a page with each months link here soon...


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday, Freebie, Rest of the year art. and other ramblings....

So....With Drill team getting me up EVERY day in June at 5:30 AM I am taking the month of July Off......There is no drill for July and I will be taking a break with my kids...5:30 is too early I don't mind mornings, I am not one of those non-morning people but 7 is a better wake-up hour...

Jenn might be still hosting the challenges. BUT I won't be adding points for July. If you'd like you can email me August 1st and have me check the month for entries and I can add points then, but I won't be adding them weekly as you enter the challenges...

Speaking of Challenges. IF you enter the challenge using a non-Doodledragonstudios image, your entry will be deleted and you will not receive points for playing along, Please make a note of that. They will be deleted. Only DoodleDragonStudios images are allowed on the challenges...

Monthly Members, I am finishing June, and I have half of July, August and September done. For the Yearly members I will have those links up before July. IF you buy the month every month because you missed the yearly purchase, delete your paypal subscriptions and next wednesday I will have a link to get the rest of the year for a deal of a price. It will be the same as buying half a year, if you split up the yearly price into 12 equal parts....I am really trying to get the rest of the years art done, so those that have year memberships and half year memberships will be getting around 200 images here soon to finish out the year.

Now for the reason most of you are here.
BnW freebie
And Quick Card Version

Monday, June 20, 2011

Draw Draw and draw...

Beside re-sodding my entire backyard I have been busy drawing, and drawing...Finishing up June Monthly Members stuff, starting on July and August as well.
New June Stuff...
Coming for July members
Coming for August Members...
IF you are a yearly member these will be available as I create them, those that still buy every month, in July I will have a half a year deal (Starting in July) that you can buy and delete your paypal subscriptions and be logged in for the rest of the year. Getting rid of any monthly emails to get you set up for the month. Also if you joined the DoodleDragon Bandwagon a little late after the yearly deal was available this will give you a chance to collect the images monthly that will be coming out for the rest of the year...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Challenge - Red, White and Blue

It's that time again.  Its time to play at Pike's Playground.  Get out your paper, scissors and glue and whip up something amazing using one of DoodleDragon Studios images.  The Challenge this week is Red, White and Blue.  All you have to do is use those colors within your project.

I look forward to seeing all your creations!

Here is what my DoodleDragon Crew created for inspiration

Playground Rules:

  1. Choose a Doodle Dragon Studios image and create a card or project using Red, White and Blue
  2. Directly link the actual card/project using InLinkz (below).
  3. You may only submit one project per challenge.
  4. Must be registered at Doodle Dragon Studios to receive points (go HERE to register) and email me at to let me know you have entered using Linky and have registered with your registration name so you can get credit.  Use "Red, White and Blue Challenge" in the subject line.
  5. Challenge open until June 26th and winners will be announced by June 29th.
  6. Project should be created for this challenge and the challenge referenced on your blog or other sites that they are posted on.  Any reference to my blog or links to my blog at ANY time are much appreciated.
**Remember there is a link on the sidebar "Pike's Playground" for all current challenges and winners!

Fine Print along get 10 points, that's 50 cents just for playing along, win the random pick and get 20 points that's $1.00, and the Doodledragon Crew's "pike's pick" choice gets 30 points, thats $1.50.  Of course seeing as I am the boss around here, these rules are subject to change as I see fit, in order to make things run more smoothly.

Make sure you email me to let me know you submitted in this challenge with your log In name.  Put Red, White and Blue in the subject line.

1. Lee Mae  5. Rae Ann  9. Courtney  
2. -Anne-  6. Marianne Mail  10. Tip Top  
3. Pauline Lindley  7. CraftyGirl  11. Sarah  
4. Alba  8. Renae  12. darling Ho  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Challenge - It's A Boy Thing! Winner

I know you have been sitting on the edge of your seat just waiting...and waiting....and waiting....

Well, then lets get right to it! This weeks Pike's Playground winners are......Oh wait.....did you get a look at the Sneak peek last post?  If not, you might want to go take a look....I am telling you, they look pretty yummy to me.  Keep your eyes out!  Okay I guess I should share the winners with you already...The winners are...

Pikes Pick, Crafty Girl (be sure and check out her blog for all the "How To's" for this card.

The random drawing winner is Mary D with her fun birthday card.

And we were so pleased with the submissions and wanted to point out a few that came pretty darn close to winning.  So close that we wanted you to see them too.

Sonia's fun card.  The use of holiday colors on a birthday card...I like it!

Tip Top made this adorable little snowman card.

 And Tricia colored this image so perfect I am almost scared...I said ALMOST.

Be sure and go to their blogs for more information on these creations.  Thank you all for participating in this challenge. See you next week for more fun.  Crafty Girl and Mary D be sure and email me with your DoodleDragon account info so I can give you some Pike Points.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sneek Peek...

Coming Soon Bday Cupcakes...
I was working on a Bday Invite for my Etsy shop and these Bday Cupcakes just came out...

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Freebie with a twist...

So I have my normal BnW, Colored version freebie, BUT I also have a PDF that is a Quick Card for you to make for those that enjoy those kinds of crafts.

PDF is zipped and can be found by clicking the image below. Please let me know if this is something you use???

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Challenge - It's A Boy Thing!

It's time for some fun at Pike's Playground.  Get out your coloring medium, you paper and your imagination.  This weeks challenge is "It's A Boy Thing".  With this theme in mind use your creative juices and create something using one of my images.  Here is what my amazing DoodleDragon Crew made for this challenge.  Be sure and join in on the fun for some Pike Points.

Playground Rules:
  1. Choose a DoodleDragon Studios image and create something using "It's A Boy Thing" for inspiration.
  2. Directly link the actual card/project using InLinkz (below).
  3. You may only submit one project per challenge.
  4. Must be registered at Doodle Dragon Studios to receive points (go HERE to register) and email me at to let me know you have entered using Linky and have registered with your registration name so you can get credit.  Use "It's A Boy Thing"  in the subject line.
  5. Challenge open until June 12th winners will be announced by June 15th.
  6. Project should be created for this challenge and the challenge referenced on your blog or other sites that they are posted on.  Any reference to my blog or links to my blog at ANY time are much appreciated.
**Remember there is a link on the sidebar "Pike's Playground" for all current challenges and winners!

Fine Print along get 10 points, that's 50 cents just for playing along, win the random pick and get 20 points that's $1.00, and the Doodledragon Crew's "pike's pick" choice gets 30 points, thats $1.50.  Of course seeing as I am the boss around here, these rules are subject to change as I see fit, in order to make things run more smoothly.

Be sure and contact me at to get you pike points once you have entered using one of my images.  Have Fun!

1. Alba  7. Tip Top  13. Melissa Rhodes  
2. Lee Mae Elkins  8. Mary D  14. CraftyGirl  
3. Danielle  9. daisy eeltink  15. -Anne-  
4. Tricia O  10. Yolanda Derstine  16. Renae  
5. Pauline Lindley  11. Jerusha Borden  17. Beth L  
6. NanaConnie  12. Sonia Whitehill  18. Skye  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, June 03, 2011

1,2,...3 and Breathe.................

No not Labor pain exercises. Schooooolll is Ouuttttt...... Wooohhooooooo. No more driving to schools 3 times a day. No waking up before...Ok wait we are on drill team so we will be waking up before the crack of dawn all summer....So anyways now time to catch up. May members art is up. coloring as we speak, I have sketched out all of June and will be adding those this weekend...This weeks freebie is late but better late than never.

I took the first batch of about 150 cards Over to Dylan's house this past Sunday and spent over 2 and a half hours with a very amazing family. The Shaw family is sooooo cool. Dylan read each card, asked about them, asked me if it was my art or not, we talked about everything and just hung out with a very awesome kid and family. I have a few more cards that have made their way here since then so I will be getting them to him after they have time to settle back in. I personally want to thank each and everyone who took the time out of their daily craziness to make a card and make a little boy smile. Thank you sooooooo much...

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

challenge - Shades of Green WINNER

What a fun challenge we had and great entries.  I can see you all had fun with green.

Our random winner this challenge is...

Spyder.  You can see the deets HERE

And the DoodleDragon Crew and I chose NanaConnie as the Pike's Pick.  You can see more HERE.

Thank you all for joining us this week.  We didn't all get to comment on your blog due to blogger issues but we appreciate your wonderful work.  See you soon with another challenge.  Winners be sure and email me your information to receive you Pike's Points.