Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Medicated Freebie...

So I had 2 teeth pulled this morning, forgot it was Wednesday and didn't want to leave anyone hanging...Which brings me to today's freebie...
Black n White...
Colored Version as well...
Now I have a couple of questions for you all. Is there anyone out there in DoodleDragon land that has and uses OR plans on getting a ECraft machine from Craftwell?

Also is there anyone out there who next week's Super Duper I will kick myself in the butt if I miss it Thanksgiving Day sale doesn't work for them next week because of the holiday? Please email me

OH Yes... There will be prizes to go along with the sale next week. Can't tell you exactly what but there are a few posts here on my blog that show a couple of the goodies I am giving away...One of them is "Not a Drawing" and another is...maybe a set of ATC's from wonderland, framed and signed (not that it makes them worth money or anything) a few more surprises...Ok, so maybe I just did tell you what they will be, maybe the dentist gave me truth syrum instead of pain meds...Uh Oh...



  1. What a fun freebie. I hope you're feeling better. I don't think I've ever heard of the ecraft machine.

  2. So much fun! Not the tooth part but all the fun images and prizes!!!! Love the new freebie!!

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Thanks Dustin. Love the freebie

  4. OMG, I hope I understand it all right ;o)), this is amazing!!
    Thank you for this wonderful new freebie!!!
    I hope you have enough painkiller for the day and the night ;o).
    Hugs from here ;o)

  5. Love the truth Serum.. Can't wait!

  6. Hi Dustin!

    Thanks for the freebie, sorry about your teeth!

    YES I have an eCraft. If you want to discuss it or have any questions, you can e-mail at


  7. thanks for the freebie, get well soon...and I have asked santa (aka my husband) for an ECraft machine from Craftwell for yes I'm planning on getting one=)

  8. Hope you are feeling better. Luckily you had your dental work this week instead of next week. Can't afford another cutting system at this time, but the eCraft looks interesting. No shopping for me next week. I will be away with family and there is no internet where I will be. Then, I will probably be on our 11 hr drive home on Friday. Love the freebie. Thanks and take care. Enjoy the turkey.

  9. Great freebie, my new daughter in law is heading to Fort Benning Georgia for jump school in January and this will make a terrific Christmas card for her, thank you so much!

  10. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Fun! Thank you!

  11. Fab freebie, thank you !

  12. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Thanks so much - awesome Santa!

  13. Thanks Dustin for these great digis. Perfect for cards for the grandkids.

  14. Thanks for the super cute freebie!!! I just love it..


  15. Thanks for the cute Santa! I love that your digi-stamps are so fun.

  16. I've never heard of the ECraft machine.
    Thank you so much for the great freebie!
    Drugs are a beautiful thing for killing pain in the mouth area..don't let the pain get ahaead of you!

  17. I have an E-Craft machine. Would be happy to share impressions, but the real expert is Denise who has already commented. I know her from the eCraft Yahoo group and her blog - and she is more knowledgable about it than just about any other user. Thanks for the great freebie !!

  18. sounds like truth serum...LOL love your "not a drawing prize" you are one talented dude!

    no $ for the ecraft, looks pretty cool though.

  19. Dustin thanks for the freebie, I am sure any of your fans would be over thrilled to receive your autographed work!

    Hope you can at least enjoy the meds...look.. a kitty :)

  20. no eCraft here, just my Silhouette.

    OW! about the teeth - are you doodling while on meds too? That could be interesting, lol!

    What timing for your teeth, how will you manage eating too much on Turkey Day??

    Feel better and thanks for the freebies. I can't wait for next week's special - plus those are both AMAZING prizes!!

  21. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Fun freebie. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Thanks for the freebie, sorry about the dentist. never heard of an ecraft machine.

  23. Thanks for the freebies. No cutting machines here, so can't help on that one. Hope all the Novocain's worn off (that SHOULD stop the drooling!) now you get to the fun stuff! Looking forward to next week.

  24. Every time I see your images I have to wonder about the art teacher from junior high. Just what were they thinking!? Love Santa, thank you for sharing him.

  25. This is the cutest idea I've ever seen for a Santa. Thank you Dustin!

  26. Love the Santa image, hope the teeth are feeling alot better, thank you

  27. Hey Dustin - yes I have an ecraft too - and I agree that Denise is fab with the machine. Also check out createandcut.blogspot (I think thats it but its createandcut!) Tom - has been doing alot of testing with it!

    Happy to help with anything you need to know - we have a new release due for the software tomorrow, so things will probably change from there (atm the software isnt up to much!).


  28. I have the craft robo so use gsd files. I really excited about the sale next week. Thanks for the freebies hes super cool,

  29. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Nope never heard of the ecraft machine.

    Thanks for the cute little freebie.

    Also hope you feel better. :)

  30. Oh it sucks to have teeth pulled...hope you feel better soon! And thank so much for another awesome freebie. And I don't know what the eCraft machine is either, but if it has anything to do with scrapping or card making...I might as well have hubby mark it down on my Xmas! I have your digi shop marked down on my list too...keeping my fingers crossed!! :D~

  31. I did a lot of research into the various digital cutters before I purchased my machine (not the Ecraft). If you are interested in what my research led me to, please feel free to contact me.

    BTW - love the Skydiving Santa!


  32. Ick! Hope the gums heal fast. Thanks so much for the cute freebie!

    p.s. Have no clue what the item is that you're asking about.

  33. Cute image, thank you.

  34. Super cute Santa! Thank you so much!!!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can enjoy your Thanksgiving meal (and leftovers).

    Sorry, I have never heard of the ecraft machine either.

  35. Thank you for the freebie Dustin!!

    Hugs Yolanda

  36. What a lovely Santa Claus!
    I think I can make a nice Christmascard with this picture. But I won't use the traditional colours. I will use some modern colours Purple and grey!

  37. Love your post! btw, tell your doctor thanks for the truth serum :o) Thank you for the fantastic images!! Have a wonderful day!

  38. Sorry to hear about your dental work. Can't wait to see what's happening next week! I'm one of those black Friday shoppers, but the rest of the week is good! Thanks for another awesome freebie!
    BTW, anything that you make would be great!

  39. Anonymous12:41 PM

    thanks dustin. i love him
