Saturday, November 13, 2010

Black Friday...

Everyone else is leaking their Super Day after Thanksgiving sales, so I told Dudley he could share the news he's been dieing to tell everyone.
Dudley can't decide if he is more excited about Eating, the nap that follows, football or shopping on Black Friday. He does know this, Starting Thursday Thanksgiving Day. I will be selling over 700 digi's, pretty much everything I have done since I started this whole thing for $30, yes that is right Thursday only $30. The only ones NOT included are the October and November Month Membership digi's. PLEASE do not email me and ask where they are, They AREN'T included. Friday it goes up to $40 and Saturday the last day of this sale it's $50. This includes all of the digi's on the following page...

Notice there are a few mystery ones, they are not new, There is no new art in this sale, so if you have everything I have done, then I am sorry. BUT if you joined along the way there will be some you might have been looking for...After this sale High Hopes Stamps has their pick of the next images they want to produce in rubber, so those won't b returning, everything else will but at the normal price. I know we are all saving our rainy day money and eager for holiday shopping, but this deal is awesome just because you don't have to stand out in the cold waiting with the crazies for the doors to open, Oh wait I am usually at the front of the crazies line...More to follow...12 days....



  1. This is fantastic news. I can hardly wait! Lauren x

  2. Off to put this on the calendar!

  3. WOW!!
    That is an unbelievable deal!


  4. What an awesome offering.Although I thought I pretty much had everything I wanted I see there are quite a few I missed along the way.I noticed quite a few are existing High Hopes rubber stamps so just purchasing those off another web site would set you back way over $30 so this is a steal. Thank you Dustin for your generousity. I will be poised and ready to purchase.

  5. Nancy8:28 AM

    OMG! Thank you Dustin, this is an EXTREMELY generous offer!!

  6. Where is x-ray kitty these days? I'd really like that one and I didn't see it in the sale.
