Saturday, November 20, 2010

Super Duper Deal Coming, Something lost is found...

So it's Saturday...That means only 5 days left to wait...In the meantime I found some friends that were lost until I was asked if they were to be included...

With 5 days left I have already started prepping the page, started cooking the turkey...Actually I think the turkey is done!
The link has the whole preview of all the previously question marked images...
Working on other things, I have 2 books to finish, finishing a few Holiday honey do's, Think the Christmas tree might go up today/tomorrow...yes we are one of those families. Actaully there are a few people around the neighborhood that have their lights on and trees up. Thanksgiving is a good day with family, good food, and getting ready to shop friday morning...



  1. Love the wizard!

  2. OMG they look so sweet, and 5 days to go .... oh no ;o)
    Hugs for you and the whole family for the holiday

  3. tap tap it Thanksgiving yet??? I LOVE this wizard set!
