Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nativity is done....

But not for sale just yet.

If you are a yearly member check your "Inbox" and "Spam" just in case, Santa Dudley might have sent you a present. Nativity will be available a little later on for those not on Dudley Dragon's Good List...OK, not the good list but just his list, you have all been pretty good. Except a couple of you. Santa Dudley is keeping a close eye on you three...



  1. These are adoreable, even if I am not on the good list! Can't wait until they are available for the not so good list!

  2. Thanks, Santa. I received mine in my email overnight and love them!

  3. Oh No - my email program is being BAD - hopefully I'm on the "good list" but I didn't get any wonderful email. So sad! ~chris

  4. I am definitely on the bad list - its a kinda cool place to wanna know what we get onto on the bad list!!!! Oh boy - and you wanna know what I did to get on the bad list!!!!!


  5. I too must me on the bad list. No goodies in my inbox. :-(
