Monday, October 18, 2010

Nativity for sale, Donation total...and

The Nativity set is now for sale, drummer boy included...
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I took donations off of last weeks freebies and the Grand Donation total.....
Thank you so much for doing this. I am sure the family will appreciate every penny received.

October members keep your eyes open there will be a few more tricks and treats showing up here in the next day or two. I am finishing another book and will be making some more goodies soon...



  1. That's awesome for you to do that for the family!

  2. Wow, I love this set. It's on the top of my must have list.

    That's great you were able to raise that much money.

  3. So glad to hear that we've been helpful! ~chris

  4. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Glad we could help the family out a little.

    What a great looking set its another must have.

  5. That is fantastic news!
    I am so glad that you got so many donations.
    My heart bleeds for the family!

    And on another note, love the nativity scene :D

  6. that is awesome Dustin! every little bit helps!!!

  7. Every penny counts, and every kind gesture will be greatly appreciated.

    {{hugs}} to you Dustin for helping
