Friday, October 15, 2010

A few more for Friday...

Not sure if I am really liking his feet at this point, but here's a little teaser of a Little Drummer Boy that will be included in the Nativity Set that is almost done. Hair might be fixed as well...
and another for the October membership some Tropical Christmassy things for those lucky enough to live in a place without snow for Christmas. Actually I am OK with snow until Christmas Day, then the Day after Christmas the snow needs to melt and it need to start being spring...Keep an eye out for some more flamingos as well...
I have everyone so far that has emailed me letting me know they bought the Year Membership and were already October members, if you did and haven't please let me know. Also next Wednesday October 20th I will take down the link for the Yearly membership and put it back up on Tuesday the 26th when the monthly option will be posted as well, I will not be around my computer most of that time and didn't want people ordering and waiting for me to get them set up...

Today I have some Awesome DT projects using Turkey Time that is included with a Yearly Membership...
Aren't they awesome...



  1. Oh, I love the toucan with the ornament. Great images. The DT did a great job with the turkeys.

  2. Love the tropical Christmas one!

  3. Bring on the 'mingos! You could never do too many of them.

  4. Tropical Christmas sounds soooo nice, lol! I love a white Christmas but I have to agree that after that I'm ready for spring too.

    Love the Turkey Time gang!!

    And the DT rocks again, awesome stuff!

  5. well christmas here in Australia is summer so it's always stinin hot, Id LOOOOVE a white xmas...
