Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kards for Kenton...

So I know that I have asked for you all to create cards for Primary Children's Medical Center for the Scrapbook Expo card drive, But I am here asking again to see if you can't make an extra card and send it to me to deliver to a special young man who is going thru a pretty hard time right now. One of my followers has a son who needs some cheering up and a few cards sent his way, in return I will be sending all of those who do so a free set that you must earn. You can follow his blog and read his story here:

Mail your cards directly to me
Dustin Pike
P.O. Box 901
Roy Utah 84067

PLEASE be sure to include your email address so I know where to send the goodies, I will be collecting them and be making a trip to deliver them myself once I have the majority of the cards received.... In advance I am thanking all of you who take the time to put a smile on a boys face. I will be posting updates as needed...



  1. I live in the UK and would love to send you some cards but I am out of work and can't afford the postage. Can I send you some digital cards instead, you just need to print, cut and adhere to card template. I can send sentiments/verses for the cards too if you need them.

  2. My card is being mailed out this afternoon...

  3. I'll have one in the mail this weekend. I've been following his blog and would love to do this.

  4. been there..and done that with my daughter....I will make and send one out to you.... cards really will put a big smiile on that cute face..a newbie to your site

  5. a newbie here too, can I send from the UK and also from my children w

    1. Also I run a monthly card swap so used to sending out lots of cards for that and for group birthdays which everyone sends to me and I forward on. I'd be happy to send anyone from the UK cards along with mine. my details are on blogger. x

  6. I am anew follower and don't have many of your images. I would love to send a card.
    May I use any image i own on the card?
    Readg4fun at yahoo dot com

  7. My card is on the way!

  8. One on it's way from Canada!

  9. I will put a card in the mail this week. thank you for bringing Kenton and his battle to our attention. I am glad to help!

    saying prayers for all of them.

  10. THANK YOU to Dustin and ALL of you! Kenton will LOVE this so very much!! :)

  11. I've just posted mine today. I was told it would take 4-10 working days to arrive (coming from New Zealand). Hopefully, it takes the 4 and not the 10!

  12. I feel silly asking - but I am confused...this is a card that we send with a note from us to encourage him, right? Not like the expo where they were blank?

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Dustin: I am sending my card to you today!!

  14. Dustin.. priority mailed you a card for Kenton on Monday 8/28.

  15. Hi Dustin,

    I just finished a card this afternoon and will mail it out tomorrow. Thanks for doing this for Kenton and his family.

  16. My card will go out in the mail ASAP.. but it's a holiday weekend, so it won't actually go out until Tuesday.
