Thursday, August 30, 2012

Kards for Kenton 2 PLEASE READ...

Sorry I've been missing and not up on things, took the oldest to college, spent some time with him before returning home and starting school for 2 of my others this week. One more to start next week, then it's quiet house to myself and the cat...Summer flew by...

I have had some cards have been coming in for Kenton, I have a part of his mom's email here that also tells a few more of the things he likes...

"Kenton LOVES horses, farming, John Deere tractors, 4-wheelers, bb guns, baseball, drawing, hanging out with his friends, NERF gun wars, riding bikes, and being with his family.  

Our family "motto" if you will (well, we have two). . ."It is what it is" and "Faith.Hope.Courage.Strength".

My original post is here in case you missed it.

You don't have to use one of my images, I just want as many cards as possible to deliver to him when I go see him soon. I know we are all busy with school and life, but it would mean so much if everyone took a few moments to make an encouraging card. Which brings me to the other answer to questions, don't send blank ones like you did for the Scrapbook expo, write a little something encouraging in there..I am sure with all that he is going thru it would be great to hear something even from a stranger a thousand miles away.

Teachers. If you are ever looking for games for your class, Kenton's mom has created some pretty simple but clever games that you can buy on her blog, not to mention some of the art on them is pretty cute if I don't say so myself...
and her store for the games...

Thank you to those that have sent cards, and thank you all for taking the time to do this for this young man...


  1. We told Kenton about this yesterday. I so wish you could have seen the grin that stretched across his face! :)

  2. Package coming in the mail on Tuesday.

  3. HEADS UP!! Cards coming from Canada! I posted them today (Labour Day, Sept. 3rd) Because this affects the whole family, I decided to send cards for everyone. Wish I could have got them in the mail sooner, but last week was really busy. Hopefully you get them before your planned delivery date.

  4. I also wanted to let you card was sent off too..hope I wasn't too late and you took him all the cards...second batch is not bad either..

  5. my card has hopefully arrived.... thanks so much for doing this. :)

    enjoy your weekend!
