Monday, November 22, 2010

Only 3 days...

So I asked for test subjects and I received a few emails. Thanks to all who contacted me, but applications for test subjects are no longer being accepted. Thursday is sooooooooo close. Turkey, Pumpkin Pie and over 900 images, yes I had a few pointed out to me that were missing so I tracked em down and the folder now has 904 images. That's 30 for a dollar if you buy Thursday...A few less than that on Friday and still an awesome deal if you don't buy til Saturday, if you wait til Sunday, well leftovers will have all been eaten and Tom Turkey will pack up his files and settle down for a long nap after all of the excitement....

In the spirit of giving for the Holidays, I am considering another deal of sorts...What if once you purchased your Super Duper Deal you were able to buy a second set (at an even better price) and have it sent to a friend. Anonymously as a Secret Santa, or they could know who you are...People are always looking for little gifts to send to web friends, friends from a forum, things along those lines, wouldn't it be nice to be able to send then a supply of digi's they could use all year. That's better than Lilac scented bubble bath any day...Is this something I should even consider...?

This shows the final updated files that are included in the Super Duper Mega Sale...



  1. Hey Dustin a few days ago you showed some dragons and wizards that you said would be a part of the deal but when I just clicked your link today I did not see them included. I just want to be sure they will be there because those might be the thing that sucks me into buying on Thursday. I am a sucker for dragons and wizards!!!

  2. I say it again Oh my god ;o) and know 3 day's okay here 2 1/2 day to go. *lol*

  3. Happy happy Thanksgiving to you!

  4. Dustin
    Of course I won't miss your super duper sale!!!
    Haven't missed any yet!!

  5. Dustin you are the best. :) Definitely one of my favorite stops of my blog browsing. I am passing a little blog award to you from my page. Stop by and grab it if you like. You rule!
