Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Only 2 days remain...

But for some people in Australia they keep emailing me and saying their midnight occurs before it does here in Utah, so technically I should start selling the set at 4 P.M. my time tomorrow.

All I know is, we got a storm that came from Seattle and dumped snow and blizzard like conditions...It's somewhere around 18 degrees outside right now...and I really hope it stops. The kids all have school off tomorrow and that means I have munchkins to watch, no more lounging on the couch eating cheeto's and watching my soaps. Yeah right like I have the time to do that...

Freebie coming tomorrow and another peek at a giveaway for the Super Duper Mega Deal...that may or may not start at 4 pm tomorrow, depending on how Australian I am feelin'...



  1. Whatever you do will be great, Dustin! Afterall - you do have a life and a few other things to think about! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks Dustin :-)

  3. soaps? really? hmmm...
    I would have pegged you for a Trading Spaces type of person, lol!

    Happy Turkey Day!
