Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Art In Progress...OWH

Working on a bunch of new art for the World CardMaking Day, New Holiday art, Members art and whatever comes out of my pencil...

Just a few samples...

Just a few peeks at the new stuff coming soon.

Speaking of Operation Write Home...

For those that make cards for OWH on a regular basis...Is there any image you have been looking for to use on a card that you'd like to see???


  1. Oooh, I like what I see :).
    The grin cat, the wolf blow out the candel, the B-day birds,the dino in the egg, oh and the owl on the snowglobe. Lovely images!!!

  2. Oh my, they are so cute!!! Love the dog blowing out the candle!

  3. I enjoyed my visit with you!! I ♥ your creativity.

    I just had to "follow" you so not to miss anything! It would make me so happy if you would follow me too. :)

    Have a beautiful week!

    Lots of BIG Hugs,


  4. It's looking like some cute images.

  5. Oh my I love them.... I see several of them I would love to have. Can't wait until they are out.

  6. Great ideas - can't wait to see them!

    for owh - home is where my heart is,

    puzzle with missing piece - part of me is missing when I'm away from you

    frisbee & disc golf images

    Australian Secretary Bird, with moveable stomping foot, for my 22 yr old son & roomies in their first house to remind them to watch step on old, uneven levels of floors in old house.
