Monday, December 03, 2012

Color Challenge - Red and Green

Challenge Time at Pikes Playground!

In the spirit of the holiday we thought we would go easy on you.  Chances of making Christmas cards are getting few and far between so here is one more card you can do for that special person. The winner of the last challenge will be announce within the next few days, be sure and keep checking back. 

RULES:  Using the colors Red and Green and a DoodleDragonStudios image, make a card or project put it on your blog (don't forget to tell everyone you're playing at the Playground) and upload it to the linky below.  We announce the winner shortly after the challenge ends...and that winner just has to email Dustin with their image pick from the store.  

Crafty Girl



  1. Love the "Welcome to Arizona" card! Will be heading there in Feb..hope I don't melt like this little guy!!
    Hugs, Renee

  2. Wow, great creations.
