Saturday, November 24, 2012

Best Thanksgiving...

In a very long time.

I just got back from driving to Southern Utah, (the opposite end of the state) to spend Thanksgiving with our oldest who is at college there...

Thanksgiving we had lunch at the Black Bear Diner, My most favorite restaurant in St. George. then we headed to Snow Canyon for photos and family time...

 Yes Ollie is part of the family, my kids pack him everywhere we go...

Looks like something at Disneyland...
Explored the Lava Tubes...Creepy if you watch too many horror movies....

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving, for those that don't celebrate, I hope you had a happy Thursday... :)



  1. Glad you enjoyed your Turkey Day, Dustin. Those caves look uber-cool. I'd SO want to explore them. :) And great picture of you and Mrs. Pike... looks like you've lost weight...are you eating?! (Sorry, channeling my Italian grandmother). ;) Take care, buddy. :)

  2. I think that you could probably relate everything you see to something "Disney." Great pictures. Ollie is a cutie and so is Mrs, Pike. Who would have thunk you had a child old enough for college. Hope your Happy days continue.

  3. That is a great pic of you and your wife! The background is gorgeous - almost looks like a photographer's back drop. Glad to hear that you had a great Thanksgiving and got to relax a bit.

  4. Gorgeous pictures! Looks like a great time.
