Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wild Wednesday #1...

"Paying attention" deal is going away tomorrow after I get up and get the kids going...Those sets will be back but not til the first of August as individual sets at $3 bucks each...Not buy one get 2 free.

Along those lines I have a Wild Wednesday Deal 1 that will only be available wednesday July 25th. Same thing, buy 1 get 2 free, this time we have super hero Monkeys and Bears along with a Penguin Pool Party. $3 only for all 3 sets, all 300 dpi JPG and PNG, Bnw and color versions of all. Like the Paying attention deal, these will be back at the first of August but individually as sets...Save yourself $6 bucks and get these today before the deal is done...


larger samples...

Heads up for card makers,

 http://www.scrapbookusaexpo.com/ coming up here in September will be doing a card drive for the Huntsman Cancer Institute here in Utah. I am working out the details "sorry not cool enough to use "deets""...Anyways, send a card get free digi's...all for a good cause, They are looking for finished cards to use in the hospital as well as card kits for kids. I will have a larger post once all the loose ends are tied up...Just something to start  think about...September isn't that far away...Heck Christmas is only 152 days til Christmas....he he....


  1. Going over to the store now to purchase!!!! And can't wait to hear the details about the cards for cancer. Count me in !!!

  2. What a great deal you are offering us. I can't wait to get to the store and purchase. With 3 kiddos all playing sports sometimes the only way I can get new items are sales, deals and freebies :) (Not that my kids activities aren't worth the sacrifice.

  3. Thank you for this deal and the fantastic images :o).
    Count on me for the kids cancer card.

  4. What a great deal. I love the images.

    I'll be watching for the details, I'd love to help out.

  5. Looking forward to the detail for September...

  6. I really didn't need the Christmas reminder. Thanks for nothing!

    I will keep a watch for the card drive info.
