Monday, July 02, 2012

July is up...

For those waiting to buy, July 2012 is available in my store, current monthly members I have started coloring them and will be posting them as they are done...

Sorry so quiet lately, Spent the last week in Sunny California at Disneyland for one last family trip before my oldest flies the nest and goes off to college this fall. Man that'll make ya feel old really quick. Spent lots of time standing in lines this time around, Cars Land is crazy busy. Trip report coming soon. As well as new art and more coloring...

Gotta love the Villians...


  1. My oldest is off to college this fall too. I know exactly how you feel!

  2. I'm sure that was bitter sweet. Glad you had an opportunity to have a fun trip together before this transition.

  3. Sounds like a fun trip. Glad you were able to spend the time together.
