Thursday, June 07, 2012

A Whole Lotta New art...

For the Year Members that is... I have finished (IN black n White only so far) 240 new Digi's. June, July, August, September, October and Half of November and December...Just 40 to go to finish out the year...I will be coloring some each day to get all done and finished in a timely manner...

IF you are a current Year member go to this page...

there you will see the current months available. July thru December 2012 are under the section that says "The Rest of 2012 available only to Year Members or Half Year Members until that month comes current...."
If you click on those you can access the rest of the year...

Are you Not a YEAR member? I will be posting a link to buy the rest of 2012 at a deal of a price here in the next day or so...this will give you access to the rest of the year before people can get it when that month comes around...So you don't miss out...

and one more sample
King of the Duct tape...He's a July image...



  1. Thanks Dustin just love all the new images and looking forward to seeing all them coloured.

    Please can we have the images in a zip file as this would make it a lot easier to copy instead of having to cut and paste every image.

    Big hugs.


  2. YES, PLEASE! I second zip files. Makes it it easier so I can get my images faster;)

  3. Is there any way you can post some sort of preview file that shows all of the images that we'd be purchasing? I'd like to start buying digital stamps from you, but I want to make sure I'll be spending my money wisely (make sure I'll use most of the digis).

    Thanks so much for your help!! Love your stuff!
