Sunday, June 17, 2012

Challenge - All Tied Up!!

Are you ready for a real easy challenge?  This challenge is "All Tied Up".  Just use a doodle dragon image and add some ribbon, lace, string or something similar and link it up below.  Thats it...easy and fun!  We look forward to seeing what you create.  Details below.

Here is your partial peek of the full image you will receive if you enter this 

Check out what the doodle Crew created for inspiration!


Remember the new rules…You play your win!  One freebie per challenge and YOU MUST….let me repeat…YOU MUST use a DoodleDragon image.  Once you enter using a DoodleDragon image all you have to do is email me your blog to verify your entry and I, within a few days, will send off your image to you.  Every challenge will have a new special image.  This image will not be available for months to come so you get it first just for playing along!

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