Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Follow Me...

Besides this Blog, I have a few other ways to find out what is going on in the crazy world of Doodle Dragon...

I have a Yahoo group...

I have a Twitter Account...

A Facebook page...

and Newly joined Pinterest...

I know it's a lot and not everyone has to join it all, it just gives everyone more access to the things in my head, wait not all of them. I am also illustrating books for another company that can't be discussed at this time but once I can show off some stuff I will surely share.

This Saturday I am going to the SCBWI conference here in Utah... kinda nervous about the whole thing, I think I grow as an artist each day and I really feel I have something to contribute to the world thru my art. It's not always a masterpiece, but it's from my heart and my childish imagination sometimes, (potty humor included, just ask the wife) but it makes me a fun Dad and a way to connect with others all around the globe. It's fun to see where I have followers and to see that my blog has had over 1 million hits, that's crazy...I have always liked to draw and if you would have told me years ago I could do it everyday I would have told you, you were crazy. I have my kids' school asking for me to come and talk to the grades about illustration and drawing. That'd be great except for my fear of speaking in front of large groups, heck even small groups. Seriously, who knows maybe one day I will be touring schools and offering assemblies, now that'd be weird. Stranger things have happened. And yes Kerri if it happens your school can be one of the first...



  1. Woot! Woot! I'm at the front of the line. You would be great at giving assemblies. The kids would love you and your artwork! Do it! Good luck at your conference.

  2. Congratulations at more books. I am excited to see you involved in so many other places. 1 million hits!!! I would like to be the second school!!! We have author visits. It would be AWESOME to have an illustrator visit!

  3. Great news Dustin... maybe if you pretend everyone in the audience is Mickey Mouse you can get over your speaking fear. The kids will be wowed by your abilities and stories!

  4. Congrat's you keep posting and drawing, I'll keep following!!! I love your fun free spirit that shines threw your blog!!! As always thanks for sharing!!! But I do get VERY VERY VERY jealous when you post all the Disney pictures because I would so LOVE go to there!!!

  5. Dustin, come on you can do it! Have faith in yourself and go get em in the classrooms. You're awesome with the kids and they would welcome you with open arms. Just do what gramma says and picture them all as Mickey Mouse! Congratulations on your 1 million hits....no surprise there! We love you Dustin!
    Have fun at your conference!

  6. Great news!!!! PUT My school on the list too!!!! It will require a trip to Canada, but I recall you liked Canada!!! LOL
