Sunday, September 11, 2011

Challenge Time and Winner

We are starting something a tiny bit new...okay not new, just a little change up.  Playground winners will now be announced the same day as the new challenges are announced.  See nothing too new!

We had fun entries last week at the Playground  "yummy in my tummy".

Crafty Girl Is our Pikes Pick this last challenge and has made a handful of awesomeness (is that a word?)  Be sure and check her blog for all the details on how she created her cards.

Our Random winner this week is Carly W with her adorable Dino card

Winners contact me with "yummy in my tummy" in the subject line and your choice of single image and I will get your winning out to you.

NOW....For out next fabulous Pikes Playground Challenge....drum roll please.........
"Stars and Stripes"

For this challenge you are to create something using either stars, stripes or both.  Any holiday, any occasion as long as your use a DoodleDragon Studios image.  Here is some inspiration from the Doodle crew.

 So you get the idea on what to do.  Just link up the actual post using the little frog and you are officially entered.  You can enter as many times as your little heart desires as long as your using one of my images!


  1. Everybodys entires were wonderful. Thank you for choosing me as the pikes pick, I am honored. I look forward to the stars, stripes or both challenge. The DT members have really given us something to shoot for. Fun, fun, fun. Thanks again.


  2. Congrats to both winners! Love their cards - they really capture the playfulness of the images.

  3. Wow! Can't believe I won.... its so great to see my card up there. I was really proud of this one so I'm thrilled. Thanks!

    Pike's Pick entry was totally awesome! I love that dragon!
    Well done!

  4. Hiya,
    I posted my card but MR Froggy discarded it, I think.. Now I can't see it :-(
    Should I reenter, or can you accept tp find it HERE ?

  5. Aw bummer...came to check how much time I had left to get my card posted and the link is expired. I hate when I have busy weekends! I look forward to playing next time!
