Sunday, September 25, 2011

Challenge - Make Us Laugh and Winners

Last challenge had some fun entries.  The challenge was stars and stripes and everyone did a fab job showing their stuff!

Our Pikes Pick is CraftyGirl with here circus tent

And Rondom winner is TipTop

Now for the announcement of our next Challenge....ready, set, GO...."Make us laugh"!!!  Thats right, using one of my images "Make us laugh" (Humorous card)!  You have one week to come up with a funny and get it posted.  Here is what my crew designed for you.

Are you cracking up yet?  Okay your turn!!  Just link directly to your project not your blog. You have until next Sunday to enter.  



  1. Fab cards from the DT

  2. I am thrilled. Thanks for picking my card. The DT members had me rolling on the floor with their cards. I will have to put on my thinking cap this week. Thanks again.



  3. Thanks for picking me as random pick - made my weekend!

  4. Great cards from he DT!

  5. That circus tent is AWESOME!!

  6. Hi Dustin! I can't figure out how to add my link for the challenge. Can someone educate me? Thank you! BTW these cards are fab!

  7. Funny cards and great DT! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Link is currently not working...just leave a comment with a link in it and we will check your creation out.!

    thanks for playing with us at The Playground!

  9. Yay! I think I got it to work!...hopefully!

  10. Fab cards as always!! Might not make you laugh...but he's worth a smile!

  11. Hi guys ... I won a challenge a while ago .... Yummy In My Tummy. Have emailed a few times but not heard anything back ... can you please let me know an email address as maybe I'm emailing to wrong place :) Thanks heaps.
