Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Freebie and a Call for Cards...

Every once in a while I ask for something in return for all of the freebies I give away. That time has come again...This past Monday night at a local school they held an event called "Dancing for Dylan" The turnout was tremendous...He is a 9 yr old boy recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor (Diffused Pontine Glioma) His blog is here and you can read all about the things that this little boy and his family are going thru. In return for you taking an hour out of your day and a buck to mail the card  I have 6 images to give away to each person that sends a card to me that I can collect and take to his family. I would like to do this in about 2 weeks to give those overseas the time to get the cards here.  PLEASE feel free to make the card for Dylan, his family or both.  If you have wonderful words of encouragement you can add that to the card...or just a simple hello will work.

One of the images is this one...
This as well as the 5 others will not be for sale on my site (consider them Limited Editions). Only by making a card can you get this small set...I am not telling you that one of my images has to be used (though it would be nice) and seeings it's a boy this time around, I for some reason tend to have a lot of images geared towards boys...

Send the card to me:
Dustin Pike
P.O. Box 901
Roy, Utah 84067

PLEASE be sure to throw a note in there with your email address so I can send the set once your card is received. Though my kids think so I am not a mind reader...

Onto this weeks freebie...
and Color...


  1. i am sure i have a boy card in my stash of all ready made cards. i get one right out to you dustin. thanks for the freebie.

  2. Are you looking for all occasion cards? Get well soon, thinking of you? Birthday? Are they all for him? or for his family too?

  3. Its wonderful of you to collect cards for Dylan! You have a big heart.
    Thanks for the cute little bugger!!

  4. Thank you so much for this cute little bug! I'm sure I'll have some time this weekend to get a card for Dylan out in the mail for you. Thank you for rewarding us for just being kind!

  5. I am sending you cards out in tomorrows mail..

  6. i would like to know what type of card to make as well thanks

  7. I would like to make a card for a young boy. Thanks for the image.

  8. thanks for the image, i will start work on a card today, it will be winging its way to you from sunny but freezing cold Australia.


  9. Thank you for sharing this great bug image.

  10. Also, are we supposed to sign them or send them blank?

  11. I'm going to get right at it...thanks you

  12. Thank you for the image. Will have to get a card made and mailed out.

  13. Dustin, I work in a pediatric cancer clinic and meet kids like Dylan all the time, they steal your heart in a second. I will have my card in the mail tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for the freebie.

  14. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Dustin, a card is on its way to you. Would you like 2 so you can send one a couple of weeks later. That way he would have some to look forward to. Let me know. Hugs Cathy

  15. Oh, yeah! What a great image for boys!
    I will definitely try to get a card to you for Dylan. It's so tough for a family to go through this.
    Thanks for the image!

  16. What a great cause. I'll be getting a card made up and in the mail. Thanks for the freebie.

  17. These guys are both great. Thanks so much!

  18. Dustin, what a great thing you're doing to encourage Dylan. Count me in! Thanks for the adorable bugs. I have just the sentiment to go on that sign, too. :-)

  19. Thank you for the freebies. I will be making a card for Dylan.

  20. I'm sure that if I don't have a card in the stash, I can certainly create one! I'm wondering to if you'd like a note to Dylan inside? Thanks for the freebie.

  21. Thanks for the freebie! I will get to work on a card for Dylan!

  22. I will do my best to get a card out to you!!!

  23. Continue to let your kids think you read minds! And let them know you have eyes in the back of your head. My girls believed that one for years.

    Thank you for the bug. I'll work on a card for Dylan.

  24. hi dustin

    hanks for the freebie, and i will makesome time to make a card i the next 2 days. do we add a pursonal text for the familie?! ore just blanco cards?!


  25. Der ist ja niedlich. Vielen Dank dafür.
    Liebe Grüße

  26. very cute, thank you

  27. Very Cute!!! Thanks!

  28. Dustin stated

    This could be a card for Dylan or the family...feel free to write words of encouragement.

  29. Thanks so much for Image! Will work on getting a card to you!

  30. Anonymous12:12 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Thank you for the bug!

  32. This is great x I will start making dylan a card x can you tell me if maybe you could be selling some cards to make some money for the family cause if you are I will add extra blank ones for you x


  33. Thank you so much for the freebie. with hugs Shirleyxxx

  34. It will be in the mail Saturday!

  35. Great freebie. Thanks so much.

    Love Joan xx

  36. Luv the bug! Will send you a card!

  37. You have such a loving heart. Thank you for giving us the chance to help. I will send one off this weekend for Dylan to you.

    Also thank you for the freebie, how cute is that little ant.

  38. Thank you for your generous heart. I will have my card to you for this little tyke tomorrow. Thanks also for the freebie, it's a cutie.

  39. Thank you for the adorable bug! I hope you get lots of cards!!

  40. thank you.. this little guy is cute and the blank sign is nice.. -anne-

  41. My cards is signed and sealed. Me and my little guy are going to take a walk to post office right now. Thanks Dustin.

  42. Hi just thought I would let you know I have posted my card on my blog and i am off to the post office to send it now x I have also linked the post back to your site and highlighted why I made the card

    Hope this helps and please email me if you need any more sent over to sell or we could make a new digi to sell on our digi site with all proceeds to go to the family.

    Sarah and Mike at

  43. Just dropped a card in the mail to you. Thanks for doing this and thanks for the freebie to go with it!

  44. I'll have a card to you shortly. You are quite the man Dustin Pike!

  45. Thank you for the freebies and offering us the opportunity to be a blessing in return.

  46. waoo me ha dado un sentimiento increible!! espera mi tarjetita k con mucho cariño la trabajare..

  47. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Dustin do you have an address. Where can we send our cards? This is a great idea and cause.

  48. I love the bug! I'll do my best to get a card made & sent to you for this boy; I have granddaughters the same age.

  49. I will do my best to get a card sent to you for Dylan. Super cute bug. Thank you!

  50. hi
    Its so considerate of you to help them out. I will try to make it as soon as i can.
    than fer the freebie
    i love ur images

  51. thanks for cute bug!!!

  52. Thank you for the freebie! I'll get a card out to you right away.

    Thank you!

  53. Thanks for the free bug. Count me in!

  54. Thank you for the cool bug image!

  55. Thanks Dustin! I will most certainly send a card, if I get time I'll send more. Loads of family things this week/s.

  56. A very cute fellow indeed. Thanks so much for sharing - I can't wait to start using these on some up coming boy child birthday cards.

  57. Thanks for the really cute digi.

  58. Totally cute!!!! Love your images! Thanks for your generosity!

  59. Just found your blog. I'm touched that you would collect cards for this boy and family. I just happen to have 2 cardstock colors and matching paper sitting out that I have been trying to figure out what to do with and they EXACTLY match your colored bug! I will make a card and send it out first of the week (have to finish my mother's day card LOL)

    Blessings to you and thanks for your freebies! Deborah-JoyfullyOrange

  60. Yay for the comment from marcieschild - save some of the cards to give on another date, like some every week. Great idea!! Hope you think so too Dustin.

  61. Thank you for the cute bug!

    I'll have a card in the mail asap! Thank you for allowing us to be part of this outpouring of encouragement and love!!

  62. I will be getting a card out to you and thanks for the freebie!

  63. I have send a card. I hope it will be on time from the Netherlands.

  64. What a great thing you do for others! Keep up the good work

  65. Thank you for the bug hes lovely. I just love your idea for Dylan, Im going to have a go and fingers crossed it reaches you across the pond in time.....Jayne x

  66. Thank you for the freebie. I will be sending a card for Dylan tomorrow...I am going to an card/scrapbooking all nighter to night, I will tell Dylan's story and hand out the address. I know first hand how it feels to get cards in the mail when you are so sick. I have a terminal disease and sometimes I get out my cards and read and reread them. T nak you for what you are doing for this wonderful are awesome.

  67. I would love to send one for Dylan...It will be mailed tomorrow (Saturday). Thanks for the freebie and can't wait to see the other images you have for us. Praying for Dylan and his family too...There's nothing impossible with God!

  68. I just posted a card, hope it is in time, from the Netherlands.
    I have made a card for Dylan.

  69. How fantastic - I will send my card out to you.

  70. Love the Bug !! Thanks!!

  71. Thanks for the great freebie and i will post my card on Monday - hope it will get there on time as I don't know how long it takes from Oz.

  72. went postal...not me...the card :)

  73. another on the way from Australia!
    What an aweseme guy you are. thanks for being so generous.

  74. Thank you for the freebie and the card from europe goes monday on "air".

  75. Dustin,

    Have made a card and will be popping it in the post tomorrow so hopefully will be there soon xoxo

    Ginny (Australia)

  76. I've made a card which is in the mail. I've also posted a photo of it to my blog, along with a quote from your call for cards, hoping to spread the word a bit further. Dustin, your heart must be as big as the world! Thanks so much for letting us know about this. Dylan and his family are in all our prayers. My card can be seen at

  77. Thank you for the gift. You have a wonderfully large heart. Instead of just grabbing any card from my stash I'm going to make one especially for Dylan.

  78. I put several cards in the mail today, for both Dylan and his parents.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Thank you! It's a lovely freebie and I'm sure I MUST have a card somewhere!

  81. Just about finished my card and it will be in the mail to you tomorrow. Let's bring some warm smiles to Dylan and his family! I'll will post your cause on my blog tonight.

  82. I've posted on my blog and have nearly finished my card

  83. Working on one now. Thank you!

  84. hi.
    i jus got done with his card and will mail it out today. but it will take abt 10 days to reach to u. i hope thats ok?
    take care
    Alyna :)

  85. I would love to send a card out for Dylan, but just found your blog link on Teds. So hope its not to late as its coming from England.
    Thanks also for your wonderful Digi's ..but now to get Dylans card away into the post.Lots of prayers for this young man and his lovely family xx

  86. I just finished my card and will drop it in the mail tomorrow.

    I also posted a link on my blog.

    Thanks for all you do to help the kids!

  87. i definitly feel for dustin and his family. my son has had 3 brain tumors removed, so i really feel his moms pain. i wish dustin and his family the best. i will be sending out his card in the next few days. xoxo cake35@comcast dot net

  88. Thanks for the freebie! I have sent my card today!

  89. Hi Dustin, my name is Linda and what you are doing is great! I have several cards made for Dylan already and am making more. I also asked for cards on my forum and will have a challenge up and going to,with prizes I will be giving out, thanks to the owner's (Ann) help. Hope to have piles sent soon, just wanted to let you know.

  90. Cely's Carolina girl gave me this information about you (Dustin) and Dylan! What a great way to brighten someones day! I will get a card out in 2 days.
    I love the BUG! Not sure what kind of bug it is, however it's adorable!!!
    Thank you for the freebie of him.
    Sincerely, Janice aka broomhilde

  91. Hi Dustin,

    Thank you so much for passing along the information for Dylan and for Thomas. I will be putting their cards in the mail in the morning. Dylan's to you and Thomas to Thomas's address.

    You truly have a heart of gold Dustin and we may not comment or recognize your generosity as often as we should, but please know how much we appreciate you for all that you do. For you to go the extra mile to put a smile on a little boys face speaks volumes on how sweet you are! You are a rare breed and I am so happy to have crossed paths with you!

    This *Hug* is for YOU! You are pretty amazing!


    P.S. Thanks for the bug..its adorable!

  92. just posted my card on my blog. will get this out in today's mail. thank you so much for doing this! :)

  93. My card's on it's way and (at last) is on my blog HERE

  94. Dylan's card is on the way to you!!!! Love that bug.

  95. Is it too late to do a card for Dylan? Will you post a deadline when you are sending the cards? I will try to get one done today and in the mail Monday if its not too late.

  96. Just a link to the blog post with the card I made and a note about the card collection. You should receive the card in the mail shortly! You are very kind to do this. :)

  97. I just found this post is it to late to make a card and send it from the UK?

  98. Anonymous11:48 PM

    What a cutie! Thanks Dustin!

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Oops sorry I knew I'd already done this one! I clicked 'home' and it went back a bit too far!
