Friday, April 01, 2011

DoodleDragon Studios is closing...

It's with a very heavy heart and after a lot of consideration, I have decided it's time for DoodleDragon to close. I haven't even told my DT yet. With the rising costs of gas, trips to the store are getting more and more expensive. That makes getting supplies for new just art too expensive. I spend more time working on site stuff than I do playing my PS3, Zombies need attention too. Now before you send me that email turn around look at the calendar and realize I had a few of you going there for a minute. It's April Fool's day...I was just curious to see how many people actually read my posts. I am not going anywhere anytime soon, April Membership starts today and I am working on a HUGE Blogiversary surprise for later this month, that is if I haven't made anyone mad enough to leave for good. Start saving that rainy day money, this Blogiversary is going to be bigger and better than last year...

Ok really no sending nasty emails, it was a joke..


  1. Good gracious! You got me. Talk about heart stopping! Shame on you!

  2. Oh man...I was sad for a few seconds! Whew!!

  3. You had me for a sec. I know what you mean about not enough PS3 time!

  4. LOL, you did have me going for a second!

  5. yep you had me going for a minute!!!

    Hugs Ali x

  6. crazy guy - don't do that to us again!

    - but it was fun for you writing this post, isn't it?

  7. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .....yes i read it twice....good one. TFS!

  8. Ok, you really had me going there for a few minutes, until I read about the zombies. Haha. It's good to know you'll still be around.

  9. OMG you scared me! You are a freshie! :)

  10. I was so sad until you mentioned the calendar!!!!

  11. LOL. Knew it was a joke! You have too many months left for those of us that bought the year membership! We would have haunted you. Happy Aprils Fools day to you!

  12. I knew it had to be a joke! LOL

  13. hahahahha good one!

  14. You really had me going then, my blood pressure rose alarmingly. Especially with the time difference!!!
    Hazel xx

  15. Anonymous10:46 AM

    For a minute I was really scared...I love your images!! So glad you are staying around!!

  16. haha, good one! You definitely had me going! Sooooo glad it's a joke!

  17. HOLY CRAP that was SOOO NOT nice! My stomach TURNED! Too many things like this are happening locally so I was all in a panic at first! BAD Dustin! BAD!! LOL!!

    Ok, NOW I'm laughing, :D

  18. Even you wouldn't do that to your adoring fans Dustin! Bad Dustin, no chocolate frogs for you!

  19. You almost made me cry! That wasn't very nice! Lol.

  20. you totally had me!
    Happy April Fools Day to you!

  21. LOL!!! It was a brief, "YOUR KIDDING" moment!!


  22. EGAD!!!Dustin Pike you should be ashamed of yourself... you all most gave an new old lady the big one right at her computer...

  23. Funny, Funny, Funny! Like Denise I was sad for a few seconds. Good going.

  24. That was dirty! For a moment there I was very disappointed and you sounded quite sincere (especially the part about zoombies!). Anyway, glad you're still creating fantastic stamps!

  25. That was just W-R-O-N-G!!!! I can't believe you did that...(I am really just jealous because I didn't get any good april fools on anyone today.) hehehe

  26. You scared the crap out of me....i passed ambulance was called and i got hauled to the emergency room...turns out i will be fine. I will send you the bill!

  27. LOL! You got me there for a second! I am so gullible! :P

  28. Whew! Since I get Dustin goodness delivered to my inbox, I saw the title and thought hmmm...I bet this is an April Fool's sort of thing - but I read the ENTIRE post just to be sure. ;)

  29. Not nice MR! I just found you last week, so don't be going anywhere anytime soon. (And to think I almost made it thru the day with no pranks on me.)

  30. You really got me there I was having palpitations. Shame on you

  31. My jaw actually dropped! Shame on you, Dustin.

  32. you gave an attack almost :(

  33. I've been super aware today and other than "your shoe is untied" from my 6 year old, not one person got me.... Till YOU. That's what I get for relaxing. lol :-)

  34. You almost got me there!! Almost because I realized it was the first of April and thought nah not Dustin, but YES you did it!! Ppfftt, lucky for April fool's day, we don't want to miss you :)!!

    Have a great weekend, Dustin!

  35. made me catch my breath for a second there! so happy to read on and find it was an April's Fool!

  36. You definitely had me going for a minute there!!

  37. you got me! I was reading this with mouth open - going what!!

  38. Hehe, I had just got done playing a prank, so I wasn't fooled.

    But I admit my first question was: Do I still get a cool t-shirt?

  39. I don't believe ANYTHING ANYBODY says on April 1st! I've told my family never to get into a car accident or cut off a thumb because I will NOT believe them!

    Good one though! I got someone else today too!!! Haha! Happy April Fools!

  40. Wow...I came to post my project for the challenge and almost died! I think my heart skipped a beat or two! Possibly even three! Nice one. =)

  41. You had me until the PS3 zombie thing that just had me giggling and I knew I was Had hehehe, good one!

  42. Oh my gosh!!! Tricked me good!

  43. I'm jealous. I wish I would have thought of an April's Fool joke that good. :-)

  44. I know what you mean...I need more time for the Wii and DSi myself! My April Fool joke on my kids (5 & 7) backfired yesterday when I said they didn't have to go to school because they were so tired. When I yelled 'April Fool!' my son 7 burst into tears (I am talking hysterical!)and ran into his room and went back to bed! Lesson learned (for me)!
    Susan xxox

  45. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I knew there was a reason why I don't like April Fools Day!! :0)

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Holy Cow You Should not do that to old people I nearly had a heart attack! LOL Good One

  48. Good grief! You almost had me, then I remembered what day it was!

  49. When I saw the beginning part of this post in my reader, I said "NO WAY" but just HAD to come find out more, because I kind of thought it was an April Fools Joke... but I tell you.. you had me going for a minute.... Good one.... =)

  50. that is very very naughty Dustin Pike!!!

  51. That was fun! My heart stopped for a moment. Good one.

  52. I felt the blood drain from my face ...

    April Fools was a couple of days ago - I only read this today! So I wasn't suspecting at all! Shame Dustin - keep the Australians in mind!

  53. Phew! Glad I came a day late and read straight through.

  54. Bloody hell, I nearly had a heart attack !!!!

    You little joker :)

  55. you really had me too.. so many blog challenges have been closing.. that was a good one..
