Saturday, January 29, 2011

Getting there...It's long but PLEASE READ

OK, so yesterday people were saying at checkout the page was off center, my designer went thru and recentered pages for both IE and Firefox, so that should be resolved...Second if you used the "contact us" page I would not get the body of the message that was sent, so she went thru and fixed that as well and it seems to be working...There are a few other tweeks that were done and all in all it's finally coming together and moving along.

January members...When the pages got swapped from old to new site it transferred the December stuff just fine, but deleted January. I have had to go thru paypal and reinstate January members one by one, I might have missed one or two, I am only human...IF you are still locked out of January and ARE a January member please let me know, I have a (knock on wood) slower weekend than normal and am trying to get things cleaned up and finished for those patiently waiting...

Loyalty Rewards...My point system is set up and functioning...Right now it's .01 for every dollar spent, this might change, but it's the default. Once you have accumulated the points you'd like to use there is a place at checkout where you can redeem points and it will remove that amount before finishing the checkout process...IF you are registered on my site you can login to your account and see your points balance and it shows the $ dollar amount they are worth...Who's not to say that I can't randomly add points to all my registered followers. Which brings me to another thought, Points for Challenge participation. Say you participated in a DoodleDragon challenge, or one sponsored by DoodleDragonStudios using a DDS piece of art, who's to say I can't look and see if you are registered and randomly add points to your account. BUT I am also considering this, a point value system, A higher number of points to those that take their time on a card not just put a art on a piece of folded cardstock and call it a card, the more you put into it the higher the reward, Or a base point for entering and the winner(s) awarded more points, some thoughts to consider. I am reworking challenges and most likely will be moving them to this blog and getting rid of the challenge blog...

I will still have my freebies in the future, I have that figured out on my site, over 1000 downloads of this past weeks freebie, I am also considering making the freebie that the public gets a side freebie, let me explain say I drew a dwarf pushing a cart full of diamonds, that would be come the freebie for my registered users, and the one for the unregistered public users would be a side freebie of say a wooden bucket with diamonds inside, People would still get a weekly freebie, but those registered would get an ever better freebie, How to do this I am still working out, maybe by email? I do have a newsletter now, maybe a page where only registered person can get to,???

Lot's of new idea, new exciting things and still a few bugs to work out...Once again Thank You all for your patience it was a rough transition, but we are heading downhill to all the fun stuff...


  1. I'm glad you're getting things worked out. I like your idea for the challenges. I always forget about the challenge blog.

  2. It's coming along just fine. You should be commended for how much you want this to work. Quite exciting! :)

  3. Great ideas!!!! Love the new site--hope it's up and running flawlessly for you soon. I know it must be a lot of work but great results when completed. I've never tried a challenge, this might encourage me to try.

  4. Its going to be worth it when you are done! You sound like a man with alot on your mind.
    I want to play as much as the next stamper, but remember to take time for yourself also!

  5. You are doing amazing work!!! You must be exhausted. My January membership worked just fine! One less to worry about.

  6. Computer programs have a life of their own... You are certainly working hard to get your site going perfectly. I had a problem trying to purchase digis yesterday. I haven't been over thre today so I will check digis and membership both. I hope you have a well deserved slow weekend.

  7. sounds like lots of wonderful things are happening!Thanks for the freebie--that dragon is just adorable!!

  8. is coming together FAB :)

  9. Dustin this all sounds great! I too hope you move your challenge to this blog. It just makes it all easier to keep track of.

  10. Wow, look forward to all of it. Keep up the great work.

  11. LOL! I am exhausted reading all that you are or want to do with this! Like you were not busy enough before??



  12. still no joy with logging in to jan membership hopefully i will be able to soon. i have sent you an email dustin!

  13. I like the ideas you are thinking about, I will need to find out how to get the newsletter.
