Friday, December 10, 2010

Lots of stuff...Friday...

Just a bit of stuff today... New Digi's only on my Etsy shop...not my doodledragonstudios site.
Toby N Buster's Holiday Celebration...8 Digi's in all, All Black N White, NO color this time...These are a limited edition and once they are gone they won't be around til next Christmas season...I have loaded a few of each and will restock them if necessary thru the weekend, after that once they sell out, like frosty on a warm winter day they are return next year...

I finally got one of the 6 books I have recently illustrated....One Wacky Wasp...

it's published by OutSkirtsPress. I am not here to shamelessly plug the book, IF I was getting royalties, Now that'd be a whole different story...:) People have wanted to know a little more about the books I have been working on, so here's the first...It's called One Wacky Wasp, a kids counting book. It's kinda cool to see things I have done printed...If I get the other's I will post it here for all to see...

November membership is done, finished and completely colored. Sorry that took so long, I have another book to finish that has become a rush job, the author who was 24 passed away recently and his mom is pushing it to get done and printed by Christmas. After that I am taking a few days off to spend with the kids on their Winter break.

I do have one question though, with over 1400 followers and hopefully that many readers out there in DoodleDragon land is there ANYONE who is a member at club 33 at Disneyland?



  1. What a fun new set. The book looks like fun. I hope you're able to get your book work done to enjoy the holidays. I'm not a member of club 33.

  2. The book looks awesome,,, my DGD would love it! What's Club 33?

  3. Fab book you must feel quite proud, perhaps you should send a copy to that art teacher wo told you you couldn't draw,lol. Its a while since we visited disney and I'm with Gramma, what's club 33?

  4. Nope..I'm not a club 33 member

  5. Your book looks great! congratulations!!

  6. That is really cool. I love your work :)
