Monday, December 06, 2010

December Underway, Goody Bags....

I finally got December going, between Christmas stuff , school and sicknesses I got a little behind...
December's art is 2 months ahead, so there are plenty of Valentine images coming your way. If you are looking for Christmas images, and were not an October member they have been added (MINUS the Members only 10 Digi's that does include the Santa and Reindeer Flamingo) to the Digi's page on my site. Novembers will be up soon as soon as I get coloring done...

I also found a bunch more graphics I did for my older site They are 150 dpi instead of the standard 300 I do now, the coloring was all by hand and I am offering them all in 4 separate goody bags...$5 bucks each, Close to 4000 images in all if you buy all 4 goody bags. What's included, well that's the surprise...
These will be around for a few days, then I will take them down and start reworking them to be the 300 dpi versions like DoodleDragon Digi's in 2011...
Details here:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Snagged the December releases - really cute - thanks Dustin

  3. December releases...oh my! I'm in love!

  4. December and goodies bags--I could be on a DIGI HI!!! Fun fun fun!
