Tuesday, November 09, 2010

New November Art, this n that....

First I apologize for the lack of things lately, I have whatever's going around and it's kickin my butt, health wise and creatively...Last week my DT said they wanted donuts for Friday work day. Great idea except I live in Utah and they are west coast, east coast, Australia, Arizona, and a few other places, maybe fedex them a donut...that'd cost a fortune. We discussed favorite donut's and I mentioned Alligator jaws... I thought everyone knew what an alligator jaw was...apparently not. So I present to you...My favorite donut/pastry, don't ask how many calories, I personally don't want to know, if my wife finds out I may never get to eat one again...
New Art for November members...
Included in the November month is the art and a PDF file for these cute little projects...
Reindeer Noses...Red Hots
Don't eat yellow snow...Lemon Drops
Elf Pillows...Butter Mints
I have also read a few comments from people saying I am not responding to emails, or they are returned. I have responded to every email I have up to about 5 minutes ago...Are you sending them to the correct address?? dustin_pike@yahoo.com...

One last thing, the last sale of 2010 is coming Thanksgiving...I recommend saving your rainy day funds til that time, I have over 750 digi's (2 years of art)  for a low, low price. Some that have been gone for a while, some that were missing and if you have recently jumped on the Doodle Dragon band wagon, I suggest you keep an eye on this one...Details to follow a little later on...



  1. Oh dear. I really need an alligator jaw boss! :) Yummy!

    Love your new images! Can't wait to play with them.

  2. Clever! And adorable to boot!
    I'd never heard of an alligator jaw before now.

  3. Never heard of an alligator jaw but it looks so Yummy! Love your new images.

  4. Oh man that alligator Jaw looks so yummy!!!! Love the Reindeer noses How fun! Thanks for everything!

  5. Hope you are feeling better soon!!!! And you have most definitely been missed!

    Never had an alligator jaw but looks delicious!!!!!!!

    Love the new images!!! Can't wait to play with them! Those little bags are going to be soooo much fun!

  6. 750?!?!! OMGosh!! OHMYGOSH!!

    LOVE the pdf extra too - CUTE!

    Kick that ick and feel better soon :)

  7. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I have emailed you a couple of times in the last few days, Dustin. Regarding the Nov stamps. Bought and paid for and can't get into the site? Hence why I was emailing you.
    Am looking forward to see what your creative mind comes up with this round!!!!
    Hope you are feeling better soon. Sucks to be ill!
    Get better hugs!!!!

  8. Thanks for the new images & PDF - and the germs are spreading this side of the pond too!!!

  9. These are so cute!! Very creative!

  10. Ohmygosh, I need one of those in my lifetime!!!

  11. Very cute ideas. Must run out and buy some candy - grand kids will get a kick out of these.

  12. that Alligator Jaw looks yummy and now I want one! LOL

    new images look cool... off to download!

  13. Oh my goodness... love the new files and the pdf's for the holiday treat bags are awesome!!!

  14. i soooooo need to go to America, between that and chocolate covered bacon..lol :0)

    the new stuff looks yummy too

    hope you feel better soon :0x

  15. I have never heard of an alligator jaw...but I wish I had! Love the new art.

  16. Never have seen such a tasty looking alligator!

  17. I joined for the "year" but now I don't know how to get the monthly art. Help!!!

  18. Oh, that donut looks so yummy. But, I like the new images better. Less calories. LOL.
