Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day...

to those who celebrate Thanksgiving, Those who don't Happy Thursday it's almost Friday....YEAHHHhhhhhh.
Each year a different member of my wife's family is in charge of a family ornament that everyone sits down and makes after eating Thanksgiving dinner. This year it wasn't our turn but some how I ended up helping stuff fake snow into glass ornaments and white paint into others..And it's all for these. The samples I made are not the greatest.
Also, they Super Duper Mega Deal is in full swing, see yesterday's post, But I also left out one little important bit of info...well actually 3...Everyone who buys the MEGA Deal will have their name entered into a drawing. 3 names will be drawn and they will win either a framed and signed 4 card set of Artist trading cards I have designed, one set will be my Alice cards I took to the State Fair...

The other prize is my clay dragon peeking out of a wooden box, one of a kind clay sculpture,
and the 3rd is another framed 4 card artist trading card set of my dragons, photo to be shown tomorrow or Saturday. (now starts the craziest part of my already crazy life)...Eating, crazy store hour shopping and anything else coming my way...

OH yes...IF you buy the Secret Santa set for a friend PLEASE let me know if when I send it I am supposed to keep it a secret or if you have a special message for the recipient....

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...


  1. Happy Turkey Day to you and your family :o) and thank you for the SDD. I'm on a "Rausch" of all the Diggi's from you :oD.
    Have a great day!!

  2. Those ornaments are so cute. I think we're decorating pine cones after dinner at our celebration this year. TFS.

  3. Love the ornaments! I think I need to make some of those!! Gotta get me some fake snow! :D Thanks for the idea!!! :D

    And Happy Turkey Day to you and your family!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving ! I think it's great that your family does this together every year. We need to get back to these family traditions and connect with each other more.

  5. Happy Turkey Day to you and your family! Love your ornaments! Already bought my super duper mega deal---happy girl!!!!!

  6. oooooh! I've got my fingers & toes crossed!

    Love those ornaments - adorable!

    Have fun with the BF sale chaos tomorrow - I'm not brave enough for that kind of battle, lol!

  7. You couldn't talk me into going out on Black Friday for all the tea in China! NO WAY! Hope you enjoy yourself and don't get trampled!! Hey great to here I'm entered, extra, unexpected chance for goodies! HAPPY TURKEY DAY!

  8. Ooooh, I hope your "guinea pigs" are entered into the draw too! I remember seeing your clay dragon - very cute!

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday, and your special time with family.


  9. OH MY >>>>WORD!!!!
    I didn't know about this part!!!

    This is so exciting!!!!

    Ya hoo!!!
    Better than Black Friday shopping!!!!
    Better than XMAS MORNING!!!!!

    Thanks so much for your generosity!!!


  10. Crap, crap, crap...I can't believe I missed the $30 sale! Next time I'll mark my calendar - I'm so bummed :(
