Saturday, November 27, 2010


Almost gone. Today is the last day of the Super Duper Mega Deal... As promised the price has increased to $50. That's still almost 20 digi's for a buck...

I think I have almost recovered from the weekends shopping um....craziness. Tomorrow I will have the winners pulled for the prizes for all who participated in the Super Deal. I am finishing up November month this weekend, starting December here soon and right now the only thing planned for December is the monthly stuff, the DT is taking most of December off if not all, and with all the family, wife's work. kids dance, school craziness I will be taking a lot of the month as a breather. I do have a new release over at High Hopes Stamps the first part of December, When I know the exact date I will let everyone know.



  1. Have a great break (when you get to it!)

  2. Merry Christmas to your and your family and all the DT's members and family. I'd say you all deserve a break. You've had a busy year!

  3. thanks for the great deal. i manged to get it for $40 so i was really happy. My daughter just loves your penguins she said they look just like the club penguins so i have to print them off for her to color., though i am a big fan of your dragons.
    can i ask one day can you make a welsh dragon?? holding the welsh flag. I would love that for st davids day on march 1st!!! Pleeeessseee.
