Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Freebie and a Sincere request...

One of my DT members asked if we could help a family that really needs help right now...The post is here on this blog...., I have never been to her blog before but the story is heart breaking. Now I know we are all tight on money, some of us are unemployed, other situations beyond our control but I am sure every little bit would help., If I may be so bold to ask, the link below costs ONE DOLLAR, it's still 2 freebies and it's like donating a buck. Every cent that comes from that file will be sent to the family.

Freebie has been removed...

With as many people as I have taking advantage of my freebies, a dollar donation from each of you would make a BIG difference in the medical expenses and other hardships they are facing and will be in the future...



  1. Hi Dustin,

    I just got the year membership, and while I was there, bought your freebies twice (especially as the exchange rate is so good on my end at the moment!). I hope and pray that things improve for that family, and that lots of people purchase your cheap freebie.

    Were you still going to do some kind of nativity scenes? Since I'm not into Santa, and it's HOT here at Christmas, I'd love some nativity stamps for my Chrissy cards.


  2. heartbreaking story, thanks for your help

  3. I'm trying to donate using paypal but it isn't working. Will try again later.
    Such a heartbreaking story I would love to help out a bit.


  4. Thanks Dustin, I love the freebies & I donated to them the other day & posted the story off of Lelia's blog onto mine in hopes it will get more people to help that poor family! Heart Breaking!

  5. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Done and Thanks. What a heartbreaking story.

  6. Just did it. I can't imagine what this family is going through. I have 2 children with many of the same things as this little one, but his seems to be just that much more severe than either of mine. I pray it will all work out for them.

  7. Thank you for doing this, Dustin! Such a sweetie. I sure hope we get lots of donations to help the Payne family. :O)


  8. Thanks again, Dustin, for being so generous with your talent in support of others! I've been without a computer after mine crashed, but I was happy to donate to this worthy cause. Thanks for helping to spread the news about their situation! I'll also be sending prayers their way!

  9. Yep, me too. . . I sent $100 and don't think it's enough. Thanks for doing this!!!

  10. Worked for me this time....paypal must of been acting up earlier. Thanks!

  11. Had to donate. What a heart-wrenching story! Thanks for the new digis and I hope you raise a ton of money to help this family!

  12. I had some difficulties with PayPal but finally got it to work. You are so generous with your freebies, Dustin, that donating a dollar to a cause that you care about is a very small thing to ask.

  13. Thank you for the cute images! I just donated, so nice of you to help them! So sad, and my prayers are with this family!

  14. Hey dustin - have just reposted this over on a new blog I have started - its all to do with the kindness of crafters. Thought there were so many crafters, designers, etc out there who were offering so much to help people out that there ought to be a place to bring it all together!

    Here is the link

    ps got the images and donated thanks!

  15. Done and hope lots more will join in to help.

  16. Thanks for the great freebies. Donated and praying for this family.

  17. How nice of you!

  18. Dustin can you email an addy to me..i can only send cash or money order....

  19. Done. What a beautiful thing you're doing for this family. It may be small, but I'm sure it's appreciated.

  20. All done...thanks for making it so easy to donate. Thanks for donating your talent!

  21. also donated, thank you for being so kind harted

  22. I know this is not the first time you've "helped someone out" and I feel privileged to be a part of it.

  23. My prayers are with that family.

  24. Thank you for doing this. I am a big fan and have several of your sets, a bigger fan now! This is a generous and unselfish thing to do, Dustin.

  25. I just did it. Dustin, thanks for your doing this for the good cause.

  26. I'm a stay at home mum but could not take the freebie, thin $1 is nothing, just hope loads of us can give that little and help the family

  27. I grabbed a couple more while I was at it. Hope that doesn't cause a problem.
