Thursday, September 23, 2010

October Membership is live...

Someone pointed out it was already Friday somewhere in the world, though it's only 7:40 here. So I have gone thru and set up the October monthly membership a little early. There is a link on my homepage on the left hand side that says "members":
From there you will be taken to a page that has the buy now button for the membership. Once you buy the download, you will receive a zipped file with some of the goodies, they are the same one's that are on the October members page, but it gives you something to use just in case it takes me a few minutes to get you set up, right now I have 21 regular digi's loaded and 3 of the members only art, color and Black n White on most, color coming soon for all of the art if it's not there at this time...Send me an email once you receive the file and let me know what user ID and password you'd like (all lowercase please) I will get you set up and let you know that you can login and start getting the goodies.

On the page: there is a login in link for the month, click on that and enter your user ID and password and you should see all the goodies...
I am human and have a crazy life, I am at my computer if I am at home, but do have some family duties and other life things to do, I will get you set up as soon as I can usually pretty fast, on the weekends and during dad's taxi times it might take a little longer than instantly...

Jenn Dove DT member card made with October Monthly Goodies:



  1. WooHoo!! Great creation Jen.

  2. Yay!! I can't wait to play! And what a nice surprise launching it a bit early too, woohoo!!

  3. Yay! just bought my membership!! so excited!!

  4. Yippeeeeee! I got mine!


  5. Woohoo! I'm all signed up too...thanks Dustin!

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Yeaaaaaaaaa There all so cute and thanks for Launching it early.

  7. Fabulous! I'm in and the "goods" are awesome! Thanks Dustin.

  8. just made my purchase, and sent off email! off to check out my purchase :) Thanks Dustin!
