Saturday, September 25, 2010

Monthly membership...clearing up some confusion...

So I have had a few emails about missing images...Technically this is a monthly membership for October. I have added images already so that people don't have to wait all month to have images to work with. As of right now there are 21 regular images and 3 of the 10 members only images. Images 22-30 will be showing up thru-out the month of well as Members only images 4-10. They are not linked right now because they haven't been posted.

Also the members only images...each month I will have atleast  40 images... 10 of which will be "members only" Say you didn't want to participate in the monthly membership, In November you can get the 30 regular images as a set on my site just like the sets I post regularly, the 10 "members only" images you will have to wait til January to get as a set along with Novembers and Decembers special members only images...Does this make sense? Still confused email me and I will try to explain it better...



  1. Awesome! Thanks for clearing that all up. I totally understand now! :D

  2. just watching for my username and password to get setup. love the downloaded images i all ready got.

  3. Makes sense! Thanks Dustin! I was just wondering! Can't wait for the rest!!!!! Something to look forward to!
