Sunday, September 12, 2010

Monthly Digi Club News, This N That...

So sad to say there was no Krispy Kreme burger at the Utah State Fair...Sad I know....But they did have this....
Chocolate covered deep fried bacon...Yummmmm and they also had deep fried Snickers, those were awesome as well...

I got second place on the Alice in Wonderland ATC's I entered, (not too bad.)

Saw the pig races, rode the GIANT yellow slide and a few other traditional Fair things...

I have decided to go ahead with the Monthly Digi-Stamp Club, (on a trial basis.)
This is how I am seeing it work.
Starting in October I will set up a Monthly Digi-Stamp Club...there will be atleast 40 if not more digi's thru-out  the month, 10 of which will be Members Only Digi's.
I will work 2 months ahead, October will be Christmas things. In November the Digi's that were part of the October month will be available to those who decided not to participate as a set still giving you time to use those images.  BUT not the Members Only Digi's..
The 10 Members Only Digi's will only be available 2 times a year. January thru June's Members Only Digi's will be a set in July and July thru December will be a set in January. Other than that if you want them you need to be a member...
I will still be doing some normal sets as well, creating new art for High Hopes Stamps and whatever else the art world needs of me. I know this will work for some and not all, yes some are on tight budgets, the price will be fair as with all of my digi's, I too am un-employed for the time and this is my job as of now as well as playing taxi and keeping the house in order....

2 of the images included in next month's club, will they be members only???



  1. Very interesting news, Dustin. Any idea of the rate/price? Or will that also be announced in October? That "Treats for Santa" image... very cute! :)

  2. Awesome news for the Digi Club. Can't wait to sign up! Both of those images are adorable but that little pouty faced die for!

  3. Eeeeuuwwwwwwww on that bacon, LOL!

    Phooey on the 2nd place - should have been a blue ribbon!

    And WOOHOO!!! for the club!!


  4. Ooooo cant wait!

  5. OMG, that bacon looks delish!! And I love the adorable images!!

  6. Yuck on the bacon... LOL I can't beleive as wonderful as your atc were they did give you grand prize!!!! I'm excited about the club. I'm praying I can afford it! YEAH!!

  7. Very interested in the Digi club. Would love to know what the price would be. Will patiently wait to see what you have in store.

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Im with everyone else on the bacon eww is the word for that, but that is just me to each there own.

    Can't wait for the digi club to start those were some cute ones there.

    Boo to who ever vote for your atc second place should have been first.

  9. not the bacon but maybe the Snickers :) looking forward to more details re your Digi Club!

    and I think your ATC's were definitely 1st prize material!

  10. so you got your chocolate covered bacon after on the win

  11. Would love to sign up for the Digi Club membership. Will you be sending out details on cost, etc?

  12. I love backon with maple syrup so this cant be to bad lol
    Looking forward to the club, but there is a chance I'll forget it ;-( still few yrs away from 40 but since not working my brain swiched off lol hope to see the price soon as I got to save up/put aside for it.
    I bet loads entered the ATC competition so 2nd place is not to bed (sorry just woke up lol ) bad.
