Saturday, September 18, 2010

Holy Blog Candy Batman...

Leila aka Green Goddess Creations one of my awesome DT members is celebrating her 2 year Blog-Iversary...
Check out this post, I have donated a GC for Digi's as well as a few others. Heck makes me want to play along...Stop by and see the cutest puppy in the world while you are there, my kids always ask if she would ever be willing to trade her dog for me to draw art for her for the rest of my life...seriously...
If she gets 200 plus followers she is doing another stamp set giveaway...Make sure and read the details, being a male has a tendency to stop me from reading things correctly...

Here's a sneek peek of the Candy...



  1. Great stuff! Headed over there now!

  2. LOL! Thanks for the shout out Dustin! And thanks for donating too! You rock! And by the way...tell your kids the puppy is MINE, ALL MINE! :O)

