Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chalk art finished, but washed

I got most of my chalk art done, but last night they had fireworks, To be ready for the fireworks, they spray down the area and part of mine was washed, though not as bad as some others. Besides tire marks...Maybe fireworks made the dinosaurs extinct...

Also about 9 more hours and then it's no longer Christmas in July...



  1. what a shame, so cute too :) Just wanted to thank you for your Christmas in July sale, I took the plunge and am really pleased with my purchase :)

  2. How could they destroy such a great work of art. They should have sealed it and charged admission. Just finished putting my Christmas in July bargain into a file on my computer. It took me ages as I had to keep stopping to imagine what I could do with the images. Thanks. :-) xx

  3. Too bad that all of the groups working on big events aren't notified of where and what will be happening in that general area. It's still an awesome piece!!

    I hope more people jump on this sale or they'll regret it!!! I already got these a while ago and love 'em! It will take me a full year to use all of them! Thanks again for the awesome prices!!!

  4. Wonderful work again! Did your son do a square again this year as well?

    Thank you again for you sales, I again have taken advantage of them.


  5. what fabulous artwork, sory to hear they got damaged

  6. Too bad it got washed away. It looks great thought (the parts that are left. Thanks for your great sale. I finally got some of the images I've been waiting for.

  7. Awesome chalk art Dustin... maybe you should give your extinction idea to the Smithsonian...

  8. Your chalk art is fabulous even after being washed, Dustin. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  9. 如此動感的blog!! .
