Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am alive, No really I am...

Been crazy around here the past few weeks, school out, quick trip to the happiest place in the universe, 4 kids books in the middle of illustrating with 3 more heading my way.


It's a Small World

The Matterhorn...

Oh yes a few freebies, robot inspired by my trip to the Drive-In to see the A-Team and Iron Man 2..

and the 4th next month

Awareness set still in progress, I am at about 50 or so cards for McKenzie, thank you so much to those that have sent them...



  1. Dustin, LOVE the freebies!! They're AWESOME! I'm really into robots lately! Super cool! Thanks for sharing and congrats on all the book contracts!! :D Can't say you don't have anything to do, eh?! :D Good luck and keep drawing! LOVE your images!!!

  2. Thanks for the freebies, happy to know you're surviving under all that work and kids too. Thanks Julye

  3. Great digis! Thank you!!

  4. Thank you for the freebies they are awesome. :-) xx

  5. well done on getting all that illustrating work, can't wait to see it finished, thanks for the freebies and hope all goes well with the poolo party.

  6. Thank you so much for the freebies for they are great! Hope you survive the summer!! I love Iron Man and hope the sequel is just as good!

  7. My son love your robot . Thank you so much . Nataliya.

  8. thanks fr the freebies, my card for McKenzie was mailed this am, sorry so late ~ Staci

  9. Sounds like you're keeping busy. I love the illustration. Thanks so much for the freebies. I'm so glad you're getting a good response for McKenzie.

  10. Thanks for the freebies Dustin...I hope Mackenzie likes all the cards!
    The economy is alive and well at the Pike household..WTG!

  11. Dustin, thanks for the awesome images!!

  12. hi dustin, we were worried, but glad to hear from you, wauw thats an awefull lot of work! hope theye turn out like you whant!

    good luck


  13. Wonderful digis as always. Thank you.
    I hope you get some cards from overseas for Mckensie--that would be so neat for her.

  14. Love these- thank you so much! Life is good- and busy!!!

  15. Happy to hear you are getting a fair response to your card request for McKenzie! Wish it could be tons more! Sent the email to my little group of friends. Hey, wasn't there a challenge posted regarding flowers a while back? I had made a note on my calendar that it was due the 19th! Can't find it anywhere on your blog. Should I cut down on the meds? Haha!

  16. Oh thank you thank you thank you for this little freebie and all of the others that you have given us. Great news on the book contracts. Eileen x

  17. Thanks for the cute freebies.

  18. That Robot is fabulous! Thanks so much

  19. Awesome Freebies, Dustin!! Thanks!!


  20. Thank you so much for sharing. You are so talented. I can't wait to try them out!! Also I can't wait to see the books you're illustrating.. They are going on my to buy list for my nephew

  21. Thank you for these fab freebies, the robot is great!!
    Congrats on your book contracts, gives a lot of hope for the future, doesn't it? Keep up the good work :D.

    Hugs Yolanda

  22. Love the robot .....the face says it all :)
    Hmmmm now what to do for the ever will I fit him on the perfect card....LOL
    Thanks for the great freebies.

  23. Thank you! My card went in the mail today. You should be receiving it soon.
    Pam Brown

  24. Thanks for the CUTE freebies! The robot is GREAT!!!

  25. Thanks so much for the cute freebies!!! Love 'em and all your work!

  26. Great freebies, especially Sam!TFS

  27. Thanks so much for more awesome stamps!!! OWH posted the link on facebook, so I'm sure you'll have even more grateful friends than normal on this one!

  28. These are so fun Dustin, thank you! Congratulations on being so busy in a good way, enjoy your kids!

  29. thanks, this is a cool robot. Elaine

  30. Thank you Dustin for the freebie....I really do appreciate them....

  31. Hi Dustin...Thanks for always sharing freebies with us...When all the others are selling theirs are very unreasonable prices (3 bucks or more for just one digi), you are generous to us...Plus you didn't come up with a ridiculous Angel policy...I pray for your success.

  32. Such cute digis! You are so talented! Thanks so much for offering them for free! :D

  33. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Been waiting to see how the party went???
    Really love your designs!!!!

  34. Are you sure you're still alive? Thank you so much for the freebies!!

  35. Wow! I'm so glad that Craft Critique had a link to your site today. I love your designs (esp. the dogs, cats, and mice!) and I plan to mail in a get well card for McKenzie. One of my friends has MS as well. It's a rough disease.

  36. Just found out about you today from Sandy A in the Operation Write Home forum. Where have you been all my digiscrap life??? You Rock!! Love the dragons and other fantastic drawings! Heading over to the store to cause some trouble now. Thanks for the great freebies and multitude of ideas. I read every post from start to now.

  37. Thanks so much for the great freebie, hes cool!

    Enjoy your time with your family!

