Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Zoo's coming...

Thursday's the big day. Doodle Dragon Zoo is released, 24 images, Black N White, AND Color. The colored ones are shown here. PNG and JPG versions as well... All for $5.00.

Last time I told everyone I was working on a book/illustrations, well I now have been assigned another, so I will have 2 books here in the next little while. Both are in the early stages, roughs only waiting for author feedback. The first one for sure I know will be available online, the second I am waiting to hear back on, as soon as I can show something or give a little more info I will...

I have also been roughing out an "Awareness" themed set, Autism and Pink Ribbon kind of stuff, Is there too much of this out there? or is it something my Doodle Dragon Fans could use???



  1. Ooooh no!!! I know exactly what I will be doing as soon as I get home!! Thank you so much Dustin! These are adorable... hee hee!!!

  2. Oh, I love this set. How fun.

    I think an awareness set would be great. I would love something for childhood cancer awareness.

  3. CANNOT wait till Thursday! That is such a cute collection!! :D

    And the awareness set is NEVER overdone! Can I ask for something ovarian cancer...it's known as the silent killer...my mom was diagnosed two years ago and we do a walk-a-thon every year to raise money for research {much like the breast cancer walks}...so this is just a cancer that is near and dear...we can find all kinds of pink ribbon stuff but not a lot of the other cancers...this is a passion of mine so if I sound a little emphatic, I am :D The childhood cancer awareness is a good idea too... :D THANK YOU! :D Amanda in Ontario

  4. Love your work as usual! and PLEASE do an autism awareness set!! as well as others - but I know first hand there is never enough autism awareness stuff!

    Can't wait to see your book(s)!

  5. Adorable new collection. Agree with the others....why not do an autism awareness theme?

  6. I cannot wait for this set...especially the monkeys! My class mascot, the Monkeys, will find MUCH use for these. :)

    Re: your awareness. Ever consider awareness for child abuse? That's a cause near and dear to my heart...and crosses all boundaries (racial, economic, geographic, etc.) I think it's great you'll do a cause. :)

  7. I think DD would put a wonderful spin on awareness images!!!


  8. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Cute set as usually. Please do a awareness set. That would be great. thanks

  9. Love the zoo set, Dustin! I have a ton of zoo pics that need that set as embellishments.

  10. Fab zoo set it looks real fun ky and I tghink you would put a spin on awareness that would get everyone looking and sasking what it is so good on you. I know how so many causes and conditions the general public are ignorant of and this is what leads to prejadice and fear where some conditions are concerned.

    My son is 16 now and was born 13 weeks premature and has cerebral palsy. He has just had surgery on his foot and uses a wheelchair to get around, when we are out people still ask me things that he is quite able to answer as there is nothing wrong with his brain apart from it doesn't send messages to his legs very well.He gets very frustrated at times that people see his wheelchair first and then his disability and finally if lucky him as a person.If the general public were more aware about so many things they would not fear and then bullying wouldn't happen to those who are different, so I'm sure if you did awareness it could only be positive for any cause you help.
    Good luck with the books too.

  11. hi dustin

    i love the new zoo immages, and i don't think you could have enoug awearness for those kind of topics sinds it seems to effect a lot of people


  12. another cute collection, an awareness set would be excellent.

  13. Another awesome set. Can't wait to hear more info on the books. I believe a "For a Cause" set would be totally incredible done by you.

  14. That is wonderful news! Looking forward to seeing what you'll create!!

  15. Whooo Hoo. I'm so excited for you! Best of luck. I'm ready for Thursday. I can't wait to get the new images. I'm so addicted. LOL

  16. Great stuff again!!
    I can't wait to see those books....!!

    I would really use these awarness set. I work with kids with autism and other difficulties....It would be great!

  17. I'll be waiting at the PP gate tomorrow...lol I think you could do awesome awareness images for any number of causes..

  18. Dustin,
    The zoo set is very cute! Am looking forward to picking them up. Your awareness set idea is wonderful; how very thoughtful of you. I am sure what ever you come up with will be great. Congrats and good luck on all your new projects. You sounds busy!

  19. I believe we can definitely use more awareness stuff...your images are kid friendly...some others are not. Please do keep doing them!
