Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So our Blog-Iversary comes to an end...

 The Blog-Iversary has officially ended, the freebies will still be there for a few days, but the deals are gone, the remaining 2009 stamps are now $30 for the 233 stamps

and Alice, Teddy Bears, and Dino Train are each $10 for each set on my normal page.

Thanks to all for the nice comments and emails I received hopefully everyone got what they wanted while the getting was good. IF not there's always next blog-iversary...

New art next Thursday and no freebies today since there were 4 yesterday..



  1. Thanks for everything! I really enjoyed watching your site yesterday. The freebies were fabulous!!! Can't wait for the next year!

  2. The blog-iversary ROCKED!! Thank you Dustin!

  3. Thanks so much Dustin. I just loved the freebies.

  4. Thanks for all the great deals. I can't wait to play with that little dinosaur train!

    Jo xx

  5. My girls *love* your cheshire cat and colored it right away! They are proudly displayed on the refrigerator!

    Your freebies rock! My daughter wanted to know if you were drawing them that quick.

    Thanks again for the awesome deals which will, I'm sure, turn out to be taped up throughout my kitchen as the days go by. ;o)

  6. Wow, I had a sticky note here and still forgot to take advantage of that awesome price. I'm sure it was a great success, and happy Blog-Iversary. :)

  7. Thanks for all the freebies and I love all the images I got for such a great price!!!

  8. Thanks so much for opening my eyes to your work/blog! I am now working on cards for OWH using some of the FABULOUS digis I bought yesterday!
    Thanks Dustin!!! Debi Rice

  9. Oh poop. I missed it. :( Had a family funeral away, and was gone for four days. Just got back late last night.

  10. Congrats again! Thanks for everything you do!

  11. Darn, I'm always a day late for a good deal. Oh well, Happy Blogiversary and congrats! Oh, and thanks for the freebies...can't wait to play!

    Candy - Audrey's Umbrella

  12. I snagged them all yesterday and adore every last doodle!
    Happy 1 year!!

  13. Sorry I missed the party...but wanted to wish you a happy blog-iversary. Thanks for the freebies that are remaining.

  14. I'm so bummed I didn't see this before. Do you happen to have a newsletter? Maybe that way I'd know what's coming down the pike (sorry for the punny).
