Thursday, September 03, 2009

No Release today...

With all the stuff I have had to do in the past little bit there won't be an art release today... I am giving my design team a little longer to get things done, so next Thursday they will be released. In the meantime while drawing last night I had someone pop in my head and here he is. His name is Azrael... Someone on a post or message to me had mentioned that their son or daughter would like to see a Goth Dragon. Hopefully he does the Goth world justice and isn't too cutesy...

I have a sneek peek of some up coming stuff for all the poeple who check my blog regularly...

And finally. A friend of mine sent me an email asking to spread the word and get some cards sent to a 12 yr old girl who recently lost her arm in a boating accident...The link to her blog is here, she is giving away blog candy as well, and I will also give each person who sends this girl a card a free download... Place a comment in this post with a link to your card and send me an email letting me what digi you'd like for free... and I will get it to you... might be a slower response this weekend. We are heading up to Midway, Utah to go to Swiss Days... So I will be around on and off this weekend...



  1. love the goth dragon, and your sneak peeks are just great. thanks for all the great work you do.

  2. We all understand that you have other things to do besides sit at your desk and draw us images! LOL!
    The goth dragon is great and those sneak peeks are making me "drool!" LOL!
    Have fun at "Swiss Days!" I never heard of that before. Let us know what happens there, especially anything connected with FOOD! LOL!

  3. Excellent as usual...
    So what's up with the new special? You are SUCH a tease! Seriously, thank you for all you do and enjoy the weekend!

  4. Love the goth dragon... I think it'd be perfect for what they were looking for... looks goth to me... are we allowed to steal him and use him or is he gonna be up for sale soon?!
    I'll work on a card for that poor girl later today.
    Love the new sneak peeks as well! :-)

  5. I love the Goth Dragon he's cute (but don't tell him that),the sneak peeks look fab too. On the other note, I had seen this on another blog, apparently she's trying to get 100 cards sent to her. It's a fabulous idea and if I get time I will get one done for her.
    Keep up the great work anyway
    Take care
    Sam x

  6. The goth dragon is sooo AWESOME!! Your dragons are absolutely adorable, can't wait for the new ones. Have a Great time this weekend.

  7. Wow great great sneak peeks!

  8. Hey Dustin. Azreal is just gorgeous as are all your drawings!! Is he named after the Archangel of Death or the DC comics character?
    Did you know you are almost (in)famous here in Australia? I was coloring in BooBoo Dragon and my 18yo son said that he looked like one of Dustin Pikes images. Apparently they studied your work as part of there Year 12 art classes. How cool is that?? I impressed my 18yo son!!! Wait till he sees my Christmas Chameleon!! LOL I will make the young lady a card this weekend. I won't take advantage of your very generous free download offer though. I asked a similar favour from all my cyber friends not long ago and the very least I can do is reciprocate when I can.
    Have a wonderful weekend just chillin'!!

    shell xoxo

  9. I know you don't want to hear that this is CUTE! But the smiling vampire bat tshirt, teddy bear and lunch box are fun. The nose ring keeps it from being ADORABLE ! hehe. Have a great weekend. hugs...

  10. The goth dragone is great, not too cutesy;) The new stuff coming looks great also! Thanks for sharing the story of the little girl, gonna check it out and make time for a card.

  11. I think the Goth dragon is PERFECT! Love the t-shirt!!
    the sneak peeks are wonderful. Looks like a lot of fun to play with....

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    goth Dragon is cool & loving the sneak peek!!

    I'll check out the blog for the little girl, what a nice things to do, such an awful thing to happen the poor thing.
    H x

  13. When you're up to it, sir, I need a Mexican dragon (or some other character) ... with a big sombrero, a chihuahua, maybe some castanettes.... what do you think?
    Muchas gracias.

  14. I sent a card for Paige. You can see my card on my blog.
    I would love X-ray cat. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. There's something on my blog for your blog here

  16. I sent my card to paige you can find it here. I would like CupeeCake Monkey. Thank you.

  17. Great Goth dragon! He's adorable.

    That's really great of you, not to mention generous for spreading the word about Paige and the free digi-download. I'll be sending a card to her but I don't want anything in return. I just wanted to give you a virtual high-five for helping out.

  18. Here's a link to my card for Paige. Thanks for this generous offer!

  19. Hi Dustin - hope you guys are enjoying your long weekend! I blogged about Paige - you can see my card here. I would love Cocoa Soak if you get a chance.

  20. How kind of you to spread the word for Paige. I've made her a card

  21. Thanks for spreading the word and for your generous offer Dustin. I have posted about Paige on my blog and I made this card for her. It's going in the mail today. I would love Soccer Dragon.

    Fab Sneak Peeks!

  22. I just posted about Paige on my blog and am sending her a card today.

  23. this is a great thing you're doing!
    here is my card
    p.s. love your stamps!

  24. I feel stupid but I can't seem to find a link to email you so I will just post the stamp I want here I guess. the fish fear me one.

  25. Dustin, this is wonderful of you!! i've never tried a digi-stamp before, but i think your designs are so cute, and this could be a fun start...

    here is the card i sent to Paige.

    i have sent you an email!

  26. What a generous offer! I sent a card to Paige & it's posted here on my blog. Your images are so cute - it took me a while to figure out which one I want!

  27. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Love the new releases... :)

    I made a card for the little girl, sad story :( You can check it out on my blog.

    Keep em' coming!

  28. Your stuff is just too cute. I'm sending Paige a card as soon as Erin gets me the snail mail. I posted a picture here as I don't have a blog yet. I'd love the party elephant if you wouldn't mind. If you'd like, you can just send it with the png's that I requested the other day (either to the wowway acct or my gmail).

    Jeannette aka Jnett
