Sunday, May 03, 2009

Design Team Members

After days of driving myself absolutely crazy, picking 76 from 119, narrowing that down to 42 all the way to 10 was impossible, In the end I went with 15...

Honestly this is the worst part of all of this.... ugh, my stomach hurts, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I don't want anyone feeling left out. I have seen more talent from all the entries received these past few weeks than I have in my entire lifetime as an artist.

I could go on and on about how much this is.....OK enough rambling...

Here are my 15 Design Team Members in no particular order...

1 Paula Carr
2 Charlotte De Zwart
3 Ginny (V) Christiansen
4 Jason Casper
5 Ri
6 Peggy Marsh
7 Becky in East Tennessee
8 Poppet
9 Cheri Howard
10 Tracey Cuccia
11 Michelle Redman
12 Lana Clarke
13 Dominique Hornberger
14 Veronica Reed
15 Leila Pierce

If I mis-spelled your name I apologize. These members will be on my Design Team for 4 months, in August I will be doing this all over again unless no one applies because they are mad at me... Believe me I am not looking forward to that.

Members if you could PLEASE send me an email so that I can add your email to my list, I would greatly appreciate it, if you were chosen and for some reason since applying have decided not to do this please let me know as well. I will be adding guest designers to the mix once I figure out how all of that works, if you were not chosen and would like to be a guest designer during the next 4 months please let me know...



  1. Wahoo!!! I made the team!! I am REALLY so happy and feeling fortunate to be a part of this!

    I can't wait to be able to showcase more of Dustin's work in my own work. I'm truly excited to work with such a talented artist. I am also very excited to work with the other 14 artists on the team.

    I can't wait to get started!

    The only problem is that it will only last 4 months :(


  2. Congrats everyone!!! Maybe next time for me!!!

  3. Wow! Congrats! I never knew you were holding auditions! Definitely will watch so I can apply in 4 months. ~ky

  4. WOOOOOO-WOOOO.. I have been watching this site all day. This is just too cool. I am so honored to be part of this charter Design Team and work with Dustin. I can't wait to get started and meet everyone.
    Thank you VERY much!!

  5. Congrats everyone! I'd love to be be considered for a guest designer Dustin. Thanks for taking a look either way! :)

  6. Congrats Everyone! Looking forward to seeing your projects!

  7. Thank you Dustin!! I'm SO PSYCHED! Looking forward to working with you and the rest of the team!

  8. Wooohooo!! Congrats to everyone who made the team and I look forward to working with each and every one of you!! What an honor to be a part of the ground breaking design team!!

    Can't wait to get started!!
    Have a great night everyone!!

  9. Congratulations to all the team members! I am looking forward to seeing all sorts of wonderful creations!!!!

  10. Congrats Everyone! I would be interested in being a guest designer...

  11. You did it Dustin!! I am sure this DT will serve you well, and I can bet that the next DT call will be 10x the amount of applicants. haha! :D Now make sure you quit talking about it to your wife...I am sure she's heard you rambling about it all day. ;) Go DT! Can't wait to see what they come up with!

  12. Congrats to all the DT members. Can't wait to see you all showcase Dustins amazing work!

    I would love to be considered as a guest designer Dustin!

  13. Congrats! I love your images and would love to Guest design.

  14. boo hoo for me....but maybe next time...and i would love to be a guest design team member if you ever need. Congrats to the lucky will have fun I am sure.

    Dustin keep me in mind.

    Jenn D

  15. doing my happy dance...congrats to all who made the team and hugs to all who if I can only figure out a way to bend the time/space continuim (sp?) to make the next 4 months last

    Can't wait to get started :0)

  16. WTG everyone! I can't wait to see what you all do with these wonderful stamps!

  17. Huge congrats to all of you who made the team! I'm sure each and everyone of you deserve this :-)

    This time I was not good enough (respectively your work is much better than mine :-) ) .. but maybe next time my cards find more favor with Dustin...

    Looking forward to seeing your cards :-)

  18. Really looking forward to seeing what the team come up with.

    Congratulations everyone.

    Ann xxx

  19. Congrats to the Lucky 15.


  20. Sincere congratulations to the chosen 15. I'm hoping for better luck on my behalf next time.

  21. Congrats everyone! Can't wait to see all your designs!

  22. Oh well done folks. I reckon you will have even more to pick from next time Dustin!
    Have fun

  23. Congrats to everyone I'm looking forward to seeing your creations.

  24. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Congratulations to everyone...& well done you for managing to pick out of so many! x x

  25. congrats everyone!! I would love to be considered as a guest designer Dustin.
    No need to feel bad about the ones who didn't make it this time, I sure we will all keep trying when you have your next call :)
    Hugs Lora x

  26. SQUEEL!!!! I made it! I can't believe it! I can't wait to get started...this is going to be a blast. I can't wait to meet all of the dt a big fat "hello" from me! :)

    Big {{{{HUGS}}}} for those that didn't make the DT this round, but hope you still hang with us anyway! ;)



  27. Congrats to all of the lucky DT! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

    Dustin - I would like to be considered a GDT.

    Good luck to everyone, and as always, have fun.

    PS - when do your new stamps come out?

  28. Congrats to everyone on the design team. Congrats to you, Dustin, for all your hard work.
    I finally got the chance to make something with one of your digi images (Dragon go 'round). If you would like to see it, here it is:

  29. Congrats, Ladies, especially my friend Paula Carr!! ;-) She's done some adorable cards with Dustin's amazing images!!!

  30. Congratulations, everyone!!! I am looking forward to seeing everyone's creations with Dustin's stamps!

  31. ☺☺☺☺☺ OH MY GOSH!!! I am elated!!! And TOTALLY honored! I soooo cant wait to see what everyone else is making!!! ☺☺☺☺☺

  32. WOOOOOOT! I am honored to be on the DT for Dustin! I barely made it in there, squeaking in at 15th. Thanks Dustin! I won't let you down! I can't wait to see what all the other wonderful DT members create! Congrats!!!

  33. I made the team FANTASTIC :o)
    Doing a dance ...LOL

  34. Congrats to the rest of the team.
    I will go and post all your names on my blog :0)

  35. Well CONGRATS to all the ladies.

    I'll keep trying.


  36. Oh wow! This is so exciting! I actually saw my name last night but didn't do more than shoot you a mail before shutting everything down. :)

    I'm so excited! I can't wait to see what everyone does and work with the rest of the team!!

  37. Congratulations to all. I can't wait to see what wonderful visual treats are in store for us from the Design Team.

    Huge pat on the back to Dustin for getting through the selection process. There is no way it could have been easy.


  38. Sad news for me :( but great news for those who made it! Congrats to the new team and can't wait to see what you all create.

  39. Congratulations to all of the winners!! I am still hoarding all of the images I have and have not gotten time to use them! Argh! Can't wait to see what you all come up with! look forward to the challenges!

  40. Looking forward to seeing some great projects from your new Design Team!

  41. Congratulations to you all, sending big hugs pops x x x

  42. congratulations to you all, I am not surprised it was such a tough choice .... so much talent out there! I didn't apply for the DT but would be really interested in a GD spot if it was ever available.
    All the best to you and your team!

  43. This is incredible, I can't believe I made the excited and honored to be a part of this! Looking forward to working with all of you.
    Thank you so much!

  44. Congrats everyone, can't wait to see what you design. And Dustin... I am for sure no one is mad at you! Keep those images coming, I'm sure everyone is having as much fun with them as I am.
    Lynda =)

  45. OMG...........I am truly and utterly speechless.....
    I have been out all weekend so I have not had chance to go on my mac and I was just reading some comments on my last post and people were congratulating me for making the DT. I come straight over here to find out I have been selected and I am so excited!!!!!!!!!! ;0)
    Can't wait to work with you all
    Lana x

  46. Congrats everyone! Wonderful list of talented designers here. Can't wait to see your inspiration!

  47. Congrats to everyone who joined the Team.
    Looking forward to work with you Ladies!

