Sunday, May 17, 2009

BLOG Candy with a due date

It''s official... It's my very first "BLOG CANDY" and after much thought I came up with this...First I was just gonna pick someone randomly from a post but then I realized there alot of people who really would appreciate a card made by the visitors to my blog... I have chosen one site.

Next time I can find another similar site and do the same thing. If you know of a site like this please let me know and I can schedule it for another month...

So whatcha gotta do is create a card, project something paper crafty for a child on this site. It doesn't have to be my art (appreciated, but not required) , follow the mailing directions and send it in the mail. Next post a photo or scan of what you did on your blog or site and I am trusting everyone on this part (mail the item)... post a comment on this post that you have done all of this and I will choose 1 grand winner and 10 first prize winners. All chosen randomly...What's up for grab.

1 Super Grand Blog Candy prize: Dino Rubber Stamp from
Right now there are 3 stamps, but the others are coming first part of June, The winner will win the entire Dino line designed by me "In rubber", not digital stamp.

10 first prize winners will win 2 digi downloads of their choice from my digital stamp line.

Please feel free to share this wherever you feel the need, I would like for these kids to get a flood of cards from people making their day just a little brighter.

*****Due date of June 6 2009, that gives people a little time and the dino stamp set to be done, BIG thank you to Katie at Paper makeup for donating the prize*****



  1. Awe, Dustin!! What a GREAT thing to do! I just sat down in my scrap room and will start working to see what I can come up with. This is very sweet!!

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Fab! What a coincidence I have just made something for a lovely boy called Alex at postpals & its got Dustin Pike images all over it! I'm posting it tomorrow. Here it is! Helen x

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Hey me again! Just thought I'd let you know I have linked you in my candy section to spread the word x

  4. Hey Dustin,

    I look forward to contributing. Just curious as to the deadline.

  5. This is great Dustin, hopefully those kids will get tons of mail. I will start on something tomorrow morning.
    Hugs Lora x

  6. LOVE the idea for the cards to go to Post Pals! Fantastic!!!!

  7. I've created a link and have just posted your fantastic idea at the top of my blog. How long is this for, so I can keep it at the top for as long as it takes?


  8. Wow Dustin, this is so nice... This is the best "Blog Candy" ever, not for the prize itself but for the cause. You really rock. What a fantastic idea, and I know these kids will be loving every card that they recieve. I'm in, I can't wait to get started!
    You are truly an angel. Have a Wonderful evening.
    Lynda =)

  9. Great giveaway, Dustin. Prepare for an onslaught of entries! LOL

    And I "helped" you along in that department with a blog post advertising your candy.

    (did you intend to leave the date open? most candy entrants like to know the deadline for entry)

  10. This is fantastic! I'm normally too shy to take part in any of these contests but for such a great cause I'll be making a card and sending it. How super of you to bring awareness to all those kids who need some cheering up!

  11. Dustin this is sooo cool! I just did a card for PostPals through Dare U2 Digi's website (it was their weekly challenge). My family has decided to keep on spoiling the little girl that we picked, what a great idea to use this for blog candy. I'll make sure I spread the word as these little ones and their siblings should be showered with cards!

  12. Okay Dustin, I have finished my card, and can't wait to get it sent out. I have chosen Alice P. I hope she will enjoy it.
    thanks for this awesome opportunity! You can find my card here.Hugs
    Lynda =)

  13. Great giveaway Dustin, lovely idea, will see what i can come up with,sue.x

  14. Well isn't that a coincidence I've just this morning put a card on my blog for a boy on Post Pals (I've got two more to make though as he has a sister and brother).
    I think this is an excellant idea Dustin - much much better than a random generator thing.
    I have a banner on my blog to advertise Post Pals but I will also put note about your candy.
    I'll also mention it in my posting tomorrow when I have done the cards for the other two children. (Next time I may go for an only one - lol)
    My first card is for Tom and is at ...
    Take care.
    Ann xxx

  15. Hi, me again. I'm quite new to blogging, only started in feb and have made at least three direct links to this blog because of the fantastic art work. I made another one last night because of this great idea of making a card for a child, but why doesn't my link show here as others do? I've noticed links often appearing on my blog, which I haven't made, that link to other blogs and just wondered how that was done, can anyone tell me? thank you!!

    Ps I've kept the post at the top of my blog til 6th June, (because that's my Mum's birthday)hope that's ok.


  16. how fun, and excellent idea about sending the cards, so kool!

  17. I have made my card and it is ready to go out in the mail tomorrow. I have never heard of this website before and think that it is great. I hope the little boy enjoys the card I made for him.

    Oh and the blog candy is a great addition to helping this great cause.

  18. wonderful idea, I love your work too
    here's my entry I will add you to my candy bar too

  19. Wonderfull!!! I love all of your stamps, espacelly the dragons and bees.

    Thank you

  20. Hi again Dustin
    HERE IS CARD Number 2Looking on the Post Pals website there is a similar organisation in the US ...
    I've not looked into properly but found it on the Post Pals website.


  21. Hi Dustin,
    I've already made and posted two cards to Daisy and Ryan at Postpals. These cards have already been posted on my blog and these are the links and
    I hope these can count as my entry for your fab candy.
    Clare x

  22. Alrighty Dustin, I posted this on my blog today and will drop it in the mail this afternoon. Thanks for using Post Pals as a cause!
    Here's the link:

  23. Wow, I found your blog with google and its so great. The dragons are the most beautiful dragons I've ever seen. w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l

    greets from germany

  24. WOW! What a great thing to do. I'll post you on my blog!

  25. What a great thing to do... I am going to start making some cards.. I cant just pick one child.. I NEED to send several!!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Brilliant ! i am so excited about this - i didn't know they existed. I can't Thank you enough for making me aware of them. What a really fantastic idea - i think im going to be even more busy (if thats even possible!) Really really fantastic. Mel x

  28. FANTASTIC! I am thrilled to have another challenge sending card to Post Pals. What a fabulous organization!!!
    The card I am sending can be found here:
    also linked back to your blog candy.

  29. don't really know what im doin bumbling around here but your Blog Candy doodly do thingy is now advertised on my blog ! mel x
    this is so exciting.

  30. LOVE YOUR DINO STAMPs! I just bought all three and I am so excited to hear that there will be more! What a great challenge.

  31. Okay....mine is done. Ruben gets my card. Here is where you can see it.

    Wonderful idea Dustin...thanks

  32. I think that this is a wonderful thing to do. I have my card posted here:
    and I'll be making more today for the some of the other kids on the site and I'll be looking for a program similar to this one. Thanks for your great art and for the chance to win something fabulous!!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Wonderful idea, thanks Dustin for offering us nice candy for doing such a nice thing! I have mine ready to mail tomorrow and it can be seen Here (using one of your freebies, thanks again for that too!)


    Heres mine....check 'er out!!!!
    Such a great're the coolest Dustin!!!!!


    Hope this is a better link

  37. Thanks for drawing attention to a great website. Here is the card I made/sent:

  38. Thanks for the opportunity to take participate in your blog candy giveaway and also to alerting me to Post pals.
    I have used one of your images - please find my card here

  39. Thanks for the opprotuinty for the awesome candy but even more being able to brighten a childs day!

    here's my card on my blog:

    I hope to maybe make a couple more cards for this great cause!!

  40. this is a wonderful idea...

    ive chosen a little girl who has i do..

    ill send a card and little gift pkg to her next tuesday..(will post to my blog as well) and am adding a link to your blog now..(on my blogs sidebar candy section) thanks for this wonderful idea..and for terrific blog candy!

  41. This was such a great way to do a candy! I sent out a card to a little boy through postpals and I plan on doing it again. Thanks for having this!

  42. I just finished my card and will post on Tuesday. What a great organization!

  43. Dear Dustin,

    I've only recently been made aware of your site and I just have to say, I really love your work. And to top it off, your freebies are a real treat! But I think what I love most, is this blog offer which involves paying it forward. I went to the PostPals site and was in tears instantly. I've never come across such a site and think it is such a wonderful idea. So thank you for thinking of others and for reminding me of the importance of making cards to make people happy as opposed to making cards in order to win challenges. I needed that!



  44. I'm new to your art, but I can tell you are going to be a favorite of mine. Your little creatures are adorable!!

  45. Hey Dustin! Love your work and this is a fabulous idea! Here's my try:

    THANKS for the chance to WIN! HUGS!

  46. Hi,
    You can see my entry HERE on my blog,
    Thanks for another chance to make a child smile.(not that I need a reason)

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Hi Dustin, what a fab idea, Here is my card, Sue xx

  50. Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to win such great candy. I've posted a picture of my card on my blog

  51. Oops, I messed up the link in my earlier comment, I wanted to tell you about an awesome contest I entered at The Original Scrapbox. Check it out and please vote for me, #327 for the cutest craft giveaway.
    I explain how it is made at my blog:

  52. Still LOVE this idea. I already entered once... didn't know if you were accepting multiple entries or not, but here is my second one. I'll be making yet another later. Such a great cause!!

  53. here my card I will send it to Alicia tomorow


  54. Here is mine..

  55. this is a fabulous idea! thanks for bringing this site to our attention. Here is my card...

  56. Hi I love your work and think this is a great idea of yours to send off a card for these children. You can have a look at my card here.
    Thanks for the chance to join in.
    Kim xXx

  57. wauw he super zeg

  58. OMGOSH!!! Those dinos are so cute!!! I have to have those stamps!!!! My son would love these!!!! Thank you for the chance to win them!

  59. Anonymous11:20 AM

    A fantastic suggestion, I have decided to send this card to Tie, he lives in Wales so should appreciate the dragon image I opted for ! just love your sketches and can't wait for them rubber stamps, I do enjoy digi stamps but you can't beat the real thing !

    Here's my card

    Kate x

  60. Thank you for giving me a wonderful excuse to be creative! My son and I chose Ethan C who loves dinosaurs and should love your dino stamps which just arrived Monday. My five year old son was upset over the lack of male influenced stamps in my collection, so once I saw yours on Splitcoast Stampers, I just had to order them for him! I had to peel him off the ceiling when I showed him the upcoming releases! Together we designed the card which I've posted on Splitcoast Stampers. I hope you'll still allow me to enter - I am blogless and websiteless. I'll have to post a link to the card tomorrow, once it passes through the approval process on SCS.

    Thank you for your wonderful dragons which have allowed me to share with my son my love of stamping and have encouraged him to get some much needed colouring time in!

  61. Here's the finished card for Evan:



  62. Dustin - it was so rewarding to design and send a card to a little friend overseas through Post Pals, that I just kept going. When my son was just over a year, he was sent for cystic fibrosis testing. By that time he had been on antibiotics every six weeks since the age of four months for either pneumonia or bronchiolitis and we were sent to a pediatric pulmonary specialist. I left the office in a daze, partially because I didn't really know what CF was. Of course this was a Friday afternoon, and when I got home and googled CF I was unable to talk to the doctor's office about what I had found. I was devestated and a complete wreck that weekend and the weeks that followed until the test and then the results. They did end up coming back negative and further testing reveilled anaphylaxis and asthma but after the CF scare, I could handle anything.
    Your blog has brought these emotions close to the surface once again even though it was four and a half years ago, it truly is something you never forget. So I chose to also do cards for a boy and a girl with CF - Joe and Caitlin. Thank you for reminding me how precious life is, and how something as simple as a card, can bring a smile to a little one's face. You rock as my son says.

  63. My first slider card made for Joe at Post Pals.

    Joe's card with slider pulled

    Joe's card with slider closed

    I hope Bronto hiding from Rex will make Joe smile. My son sure loves the card!

  64. I had to create a blog so I could show off these cards - here's number three which I made for Caitlin at Post Pals.

    Purple Dinos

  65. Good morning, here's my card for your challenge
    Hugs for Charlie


  66. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I love the cause you picked and have my card ready to mail to little Milly P. I'm posting on my blog. Thanks for the challenge!
    Jenn J

  67. Hey dustin..i won grand prize and still havent gotten my goodie....can u check on it for me.


    jenn dove

    jennifer at
