Monday, April 20, 2009

Some Good News...And Some Bad News

Well happy monday morning to me and all my readers. The good news is,

  1. I have been bombarded with design team applicants
  2. I will have lots of time to create new digi's and artwork
Now for the bad news, I was let go this morning from my real job and now might be a stay at home dad for a bit...So be on the look out for new art here reallly soon.



  1. saying prayers for you and your family! let us know how we can be of help during this time please.

  2. OMGoodness.... sorry to hear that Dustin, but you know this may be a chance to get your stamps off the ground sooner!!!!

  3. Sorry to hear that honey i am sure something will come along very soon, i hope that you are ok with it, hugs pops xx x

  4. I'm so sorry. I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    So sorry, I know you will have tons of good thoughts coming your way, so the force will be with you.

  6. So sorry to hear that. It is never easy for anyone to hear about someone loosing their job. Prayers of plenty are coming your way.

  7. Your friends at Stamped are praying for you :) Hang in there!

  8. Dustin, I am so sorry to hear that! I will keep your family in my thoughts as adjusting is always the hard part. With that said, in my half-full perspective, I think the timing couldn't have been better. Between your talent, your dragons, and a loyal and growing fan base, something tells me that you will be reassured that everything happens for a reason...

  9. Sorry to hear about your bad news. I will keep you and your family in prayer.

  10. bummer on the lay off. My DH was just laid off last Tuesday. We feel your pain!!!!

  11. Sorry to hear that, maybe your talents are needed here instead with us ...You have a fast growing fan base and I have a feeling your Rubber/Digi line is really going to take off especially now that you will have time to focus on it more. Things happen for a reason :)

  12. I agree with Joni, Maybe this timing is for the best. Tthe love of your art from so many in the craft world just might make your hobby into your full time job. That said, I'm looking forward to your grand opening --- wish I had the time to try out for your DT but I know you have so many that are just perfect for you. I'm letting all my friends know! I just adore your dragons! Can't wait to see all the good things about to come your way!! **Hugs**

  13. Well I'm excited to see all your new digi images & your new design team.

    Sorry to hear about your job loss.

  14. Oh that sucks :( Hope you can make enough money with your art :) look at the bright side of life.

    hugs Ria

  15. oh I am so sorry to hear that Dustin, but it may work out well for you in the long run as you will have time to really push your stamps and digi downloads, which I'm sure are going to be a huge success.

    It's a tough time for everyone at the moment - I'm so sorry about your job.

    Ann xxx

  16. I'm so sorry! You are so incredibly talented. I hope this gives you the chance to break into the market!!

  17. Sorry to hear your bad news...hope everything works out for you.
    Fantastic news tho re dt applicants, I'm not suprised!

  18. :( Sorry to hear you got kicked off the island, let me know if there's anything I can do.

  19. Dustin, that just plain SUCKS! I know that this is the one door closes another door opens type thing, but that knowledge doesn't pay the bills or keep the knots of of one's stomach!

  20. I'm so sorry to hear that mate. I know only to well how it feels as my hubby was let go 2 months ago and still hasn't been able to get a job. Luckily for me, my work has picked up so I'm ok for now. At least you have something to occupy yourself with and we all get to have some enjoyment from that too.
    I hope everything sorts itself out for you soon.
    Sam x

  21. I'm so sorry to read this. So many people are losing their jobs lately. My DH has a chance of losing his in the next couple of months too, but all we can do is wait it out.

    Hugs that something will turn up soon for you!

  22. Soo Sorry to hear your bad news! It is really scary for everyone these days. Keep hope, you'll make it through!

  23. Sorry Dustin, but you know when one door closes....

    I know your kids will love having you home though!

  24. Sorry to hear about the job Dustin, hope that you and your family are ok. But it does mean you will be able to put more time and energy into new stamp and art opportunities. All the best Kim

  25. so sorry to hear your bad news, but also glad to hear your good news :)

  26. Oh my. Will keep you in my prayers. But with your art here, I'll just bet it's a blessing in disguise!


  27. I'll be thinking of you...and hoping etsy goes CRAZY for you!!

  28. sorry to hear that, prayers go out to you and your family.

    the good thing now is that you will have more time to create your wonderful images. ;)

  29. Oh, That's so suck! I am so sorry to hear.

  30. Bummer! Well should be some good material coming through ;-)

  31. I'm really sorry to hear about your job. I'm in the same situation - I officially lose mine the end of June. But perhaps this is your blessing.

  32. Sorry to hear of your job loss Dustin - I pray that everything works out how you and your family need it to. You've got amazing talent with your stamps, and things really seem to be taking off for you, perhaps this is your destiny. :)

  33. So sorry to hear about your job. My husband lost his job last September.. it is really hard at first but then things seem to get better and you find the reason for the loss. Hopefully your stamps will take over the world and you will become rich and famous!

  34. So sorry to hear about your job loss Dustin. Hopefully with all your new artwork we can fill in some (or all) of your income!
    I am so impressed with what I've seen I just love it all!

  35. So sorry to hear about your job loss. I hope you can make some decent money doing this! You are awesome, and I will help spread the word about your great art!

  36. So sorry to hear about your job. I am right behind you, I am being laid off May 29th, but at least I was given notice. Good luck with your stamp sales and stay positive!

  37. hi im really sorry to hear about your job. hope you find a new one soon, think your images are brill and im looking forward on buying some, could you please contact me as having problems buying them you site wont let me , have emailed you but no answer, and carnt wait to get stuck into them thanks my email is

  38. Oh Dustin, I'm so sorry to hear about your job. I know how hard it will be, especially in these times. You are in my thoughts, keep up that awesome artwork, you have quite a huge fan list ready and willing to buy your terrific artwork. =)
    Can't wait to see the new designs!
    Big Hugs
    Lynda =)

  39. Sorry to hear about your bad news. We had this happen where I work in December and may happen again. Sometimes when this happens it turns out better ....

  40. Dustin, I have left a special award for you on my blog. Please stop by and pick it up. You are so deserving of it!
    Lynda =)

  41. I am really sorry to hear of your job....that stinks big time.

  42. Sorry to hear about your job.Look at the bright side, you can spend some quality time with your kids and you get to make money doing something you love.You are very talented & I know it's scary to be out of work but I think your new stamps & drawings will bring in income for you. You have a unique style that is different & I think people will(do) really like what you produce. Good Luck

  43. Hi, New to your site. I love dragons! Looking forward to getting some of your stamps :). I love scrapbooking and my kids are going to want your stamps too. I'm printing out some of your freebie dragons so they can colour them. Thanks for that :)
    As for your job, sorry to hear about it, but I'm sure its a blessing. Now you can get your buisness off and running. There's probably a few thousand of us right now that are just finding out about you and wanting your stamps for cards and scrapbooking.
    Good luck :)

  44. Hi there hun,first of allsorry to hear about your job.... that sucksandIhope things comegood soon for you.Strange things happen though so whoknows, it may open a wholenewchapter in your life for you.
    Good luck with the search for your DT - I am not surprised everyone wants to be a part - your images are brill!!
    Thanks for sponsoring us this week on Inspirational Card Sketches :o)
    Have a great week

  45. Hi Dustin,

    I've just found you through the Inspirational blog, just wanted to say that your designs are fantastic!!

    So sorry to hear about your job x

  46. What that just sucks! My thoughts are with you and yours as you adjust to this unexpected turn of events!

  47. I'm so sorry to hear about your job.

    I ordered the Mooseville line this morning so hopefully if everyone places an order on your website, you can grow your business and won't have to get a "day" job.

    Sending hugs and best wishes to you and your family.


  48. sorry to hear youve been let go . But it may just be the chance that youve been waiting for .

  49. we have 5 kids here and I know what a worry it is when dad is jobless..just "found you" this morning and spent the last while browsing your blog and am "blown away" by your talent..I am POSITIVE something will come your way VERY soon :0)


  50. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I share your pain having been laid off in late January. But as one door slams there's a revolving door in front of us. Good stuff will come out of this. Best to you and your family!

  51. You may find this is a blessing and that your wonderful artistic juices really strt flowing now! This may actully be GOD'S big plan for you. EMBRACE IT! And really rally enjoy every moment with your family.
