Thursday, April 09, 2009

Digi Stamp ~ Boo Boo Dragon

Our little friend dragon is having one of "those" days... He's ready to leave the hospital, He is waiting in my Etsy shop. His adoption fee is only $3.00. I don't know if you could even buy a box of band-aids for that price. This image would be perfect for any get well card.


  1. Oh what a sweetie! I'll adopt him! This would make a great Get Well card. I just had to laugh when I saw how many followers you have now Dustin! haha! We are like little stamping duckies, following you around.

  2. He is so cute! I am off to give him a new home.

  3. He is so cute! How can I NOT give Boo Boo Dragon home??? Plus he's cheap and I don't have to feed him daily like I do my adopted fur He'll have great company with Fairy Bear, Wheel Bears, Birthday Monkey, Monkey...I'm sure he knows them! Plus make more new friends in my digi files! ;)

  4. Fantastic...just what I need for my father in laws get well soon card. He has just had a knee operation. Off to buy...

  5. LOVE HIM SOO CUTE. Will get a lot of use.

  6. Oh my I think he needs some TLC... great image!!!

  7. and WHERE was he YESTERDAY when I needed to send out a semi-manly get well card? Hmmm??????? Guess I'll just have to adopt him now....sigh...just my luck...always a day late and a dollar short... oh well ... I love him lots and am adopting him!

  8. paula, he was at the hospital, not ready to go home quiet yet, that's why he had to wait til today to be released...silly

  9. Aww, that poor little dragon! I just want to hug him and make it all better.

  10. OH my I need that dragon...he is too cute and boy that would have fit my mom's situation so well.

  11. He's adorable. I checked and he wasn't on your etsy site.. I will keep watching though

  12. i went to adopt... but he wasnt there. :(

  13. OH I just HAD to adopt him. I can't wait to use him :) I just ordered him - send him my way LOL!

  14. I would love to adopt this guy -- please put him back up in your Etsy shop??? TIA!
